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Neil Gaiman: i should like to invite you all to an evening of spleniferous whimsy and unearthly magic
Gaiman: [handing flier to Poe] for I, Neil Gaiman, shall be performing my world renowned Charles Dickens impression
Poe: [reading flyer] "Sunday Sunday don't stay home"
Poe: "Elevated theater at the monsterdome"
Poe: "opening act: charles dickens"

Charles Dickens: neil gaiman's doing a reading of my work in character?
Poe: oh yeah i hear its real good
Dickens: well, i'll be the judge of that!
Dickens: what's he reading? captain murderer?
Poe: i think it's going to be a christmas carol
Dickens: yeah ok i guess you could read that

Poe: guys do you think that neil will include grip in his show
Barker: i don't know, maybe
Poe: i really hope he includes Grip
Poe: i really love grip
Barker: uh huh
Poe: she talks you know
Barker: yes edgar we know we were all here for that

Gaiman: welcome friends to an evening of whimsy, an evening of wonder
Gaiman: as you enter the fantastical imaginarium of charles dickens
Gaiman: where you can be anything!
Gaiman: as long as you can imagine it!

Gaiman: and now watch, gentle viewers
Gaiman: as i create an enduring christmas classic from the merest wisps of fantasy
Gaiman: born of the very stuff of the cosmos -- the power of imagination!
Poe: what do you think?
Dickens: this is exactly right
Dickens: that is exactly how i did it

Gaiman: ah Grip my constant companion, consort to gods and monsters alike, messenger of odin on velvet wings
Poe: [pointing and whispering to charles dickens] that's grip
Dickens: [annoyed] I know

Gaiman: from my pen shall spill the words of the ages! a tapestry of strange delights, the dreams of the sages!
Gaiman: but hark! what noise do i hear at my door?
Gaiman: is it the dark forboding spectre of hans christian andersen?
Dickens: whoa no one told me this show was gonna be scary!!


Trish Ledoux

as it happens I just finished “Mr. Dickens’ Christmas Carol” yet alas may not in good conscience recommend it