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Lucy Clifford: Submitted for the approval of the Midnight Society, I call this the tale of the new mother
Clifford: now then
Clifford: you must all remember that if you’re bad
Clifford: your mother will abandon you and you’ll get a new monster mother
Barker: haha badass
Clifford: NO
Clifford: no clive it is not

Clifford: this new mother, she’s got glass eyes
Clifford: and a wooden tail
Clifford: I can’t emphasize this enough
Clifford: she is REAL fucked up

Clifford: so these kids are real naughty
Clifford: until their mom is all “I must leave, my home planet needs me”
Clifford: “here’s your new mom”
Clifford: “she’s a monster btw”
Clifford: “enjoy”

Clifford: anyway the kids just live the rest of their lives in the woods, eating nuts and berries
Clifford: and every so often they sneak up to the windows of the house where they used to live
Clifford: in the vain hope that maybe their mother has come back
Clifford: but no it’s always the monster mom in there
Clifford: The end
Clifford: sweet dreams, everyone!

Koontz: [starts crying]
Poe: no no dean it’s okay
Poe: it’s just a story
Poe: it is just a story right?
King: [starts crying]
Poe: oh come on!
Poe: now see what you’ve done

Clifford: now you see what happens if you’re naughty?
Koontz: [sobbing] yeah
Clifford: “yes”
Koontz: I mean yes
Clifford: “yes ms clifford”
Koontz: [sniffling]
Koontz: yes ms clifford

Clifford: now then
Clifford: you’re all going to be good little boys and girls from now on aren’t you?
King: yes ma’am
Poe: yes ma’am
Koontz: yes ma’am
Clifford: aren’t you?
Barker: [sullenly] yes ma’am

Mary Shelley: sup fuckers
King: lucy was just telling us the most terrifying story
King: if you’re bad, you know you get a new mother?
Shelley: pfft, whatever, that already happened to me
King: yeah but this new mother is scary
Shelley: haha
Shelley: I’m not scared of ANY mother

Shelley: some mother tries to scare me, I’ll fuck on her grave
Shelley: just like I did with the old mother!
Shelley: see if I don’t!


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