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Brian McNaughton: Submitted for the approval of the Midnight Society, I call this the tale of the throne of bones
McNaughton: ok so get this what if there was a whole giant necropolis full of ghouls
McNaughton: and also ghoul fuckers

McNaughton: we follow Blux Beepo, a local pervert who considers himself an artist and his medium is ghoul fucking
McNaughton: now Blux Beepo may not be the darling of the elite critics who prefer the more commercial pop art of quiet seduction, who recoil at his garish colors and violent juxtaposition of light and shadow, but the true connoisseur recognizes in his work a rare talent

McNaughton: Blux Beepo's playful conflation of form and void shows his artistic soul
Edward Lee: bro?
Lee: bro are we still talking about ghoul fucking?
McNaughton: oh yeah of course

McNaughton: now Blux Beepo just wanted to be left alone in his secluded study so that he could study the sensual art of ghoul fucking
McNaughton: but then this real annoying girl shows up who just won't leave him alone
McNaughton: she's also a ghoul fucker but in a tawdry way
McNaughton: it's not highbrow like when Blux Beepo does it

McNaughton: Even so, Blux Beepo can't stop thinking about this annoying girl
McNaughton: who laughs in the rain, wears ribbons in her hair, and dreams of getting pounded by ghoul dick
McNaughton: but no joke i need a girl like that
McNaughton: sigh
McNaughton: someday i'll find my manic pixie dreamghoul

McNaughton: guys do you ever think about what it would be like to have a big titty goth ghoulfriend
McNaughton: i just think it would be pretty great
McNaughton: we could eat corpses together and fuck in absolute filth

Poe: how exactly does this work with ghouls?
Poe: are they a different species or something?
McNaughton: oh no no no they're people who just really liked eating people
McNaughton: you know what they say
McNaughton: get a job you love and you'll never work a day in your life

McNaughton: you know if you fall asleep thinking ghoulish thoughts and dreaming ghoulish dreams, you might just wake up as a ghoul
McNaughton: it's like becoming a dragon in narnia
McNaughton: ie extremely cool
CS Lewis: what? no!

Lewis: becoming a dragon is bad, actually!
Lewis: you totally misunderstood what i was saying!
Frank Belknap Long: yeah sure "becoming a dragon is bad actually" get a load of this guy

McNaughton: there's guys who want to fuck ghouls and ghouls who want to fuck guys
McNaughton: Ghouls who are guys who like guys to be ghouls
Who do guys like they're ghouls, who do ghouls like they're guys
McNaughton: Always should be someone you really love

Brian McNaughton: the thing is, being a ghoul...?
McNaughton: it's pretty cool
McNaughton: pretty cool to be a ghoul
Franz Kafka: god i know
Kafka: sometimes i just lie in bed, wishing i was one
Kafka: oh god please i wish i was one
McNaughton: wishing you were a ghoul?
Kafka: what? a ghoul? oh no sorry i misheard you

Kafka: i thought you said
Kafka: um
Kafka: um never mind
Barker: no
Barker: what did you think he said?
Kafka: nothing
Kafka: it's nothing
Barker: franz
Poe: clive
Poe: clive stop