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Robert Morgan: submitted for the approval of the midnight society, i call this the tale of stopmotion
Morgan: ok so imagine
Morgan: what if your mom was richard williams

Morgan: just imagine a domineering parent using their disapproval to control their child as a vessel of their own creativity
Stephen King: what the-
King: that's terrible!
King: what parent would do that?!
King: i could never do that to my boy Joe
King: he's too precious to me!

Clive Barker: hey steve what's your boy joe do again
King: he's a horror writer
Barker: uh huh
Barker: and what do you do again steve?
King: i see what you're getting at clive
King: but the answer is no
King: i could never disapprove of my boy joe
King: my perfect little man

King: joe i just want you to know that your mother and i love you very much
Joe Hill: ok dad
King: did you write a new book? here, let me post it on the fridge!
Hill: dad, you don't have to
King: No, I want to!
King: I want everyone to see!
King: look what my boy did, everyone!

Morgan: so
Morgan: this woman is the daughter of a famous stop motion animator
Morgan: and she starts making her own movie
Morgan: but you know how it is when you try to do stop motion and you've got mommy issues
Stephen Quay: do i ever!
Timothy Quay: mom always liked you best

Morgan: you know how it is when you have mommy issues
Morgan: it means
Morgan: real fucked up puppets

Morgan: what do you think of these puppets? pretty fucked up, right?
Jan Švankmajer: yeah kinda
Švankmajer: i mean, i guess they're pretty fucked up
Morgan: you seem disappointed
Švankmajer: no no
Švankmajer: i mean
Švankmajer: i mean they're fine

Morgan: ok but what about this
Morgan: what if this fucked up puppet
Morgan: was constantly making these really annoying little cooing and gasping noises?
Švankmajer: now you're talking!!


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