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Neil Gaiman: [inhaling fresh morning air] ahhhh what a great day for a race!
Clive Barker: what race?
Gaiman: the HUMAN race
Gaiman: i was just thinking of the awesome potential of the human mind
Gaiman: and the limitless vista of the human imagination

Gaiman: just imagine! with the awesome power of imagination, YOU are in control of your own fantasies
Gaiman: all you need is a pinch of curiosity, a dash of wonder
Gaiman: and an ounce of whimsy!!
Gaiman: butterfly in the skyyyy
Gaiman: i can fly twice as hiiiigh

Gaiman: why, you could imagine anything!
Gaiman: you could imagine a clockwork alligator as big as the sky!
Gaiman: you could imagine a railroad conductor made of lemon drops!
Gaiman: you could even imagine
Gaiman: a boy who wears glasses and goes to a wizard school

Rowling: hello children
Rowling: my lawyersss inform me there'sss some copyright infringement happening here
Gaiman: ah but joanne
Gaiman: if you check the time stamps, i'm sure you'll find that Tim Hunter actually PREDATES harry potter
Rowling: curssse you gaiman
Rowling: you win thisss round

Rowling: curssse you gaiman
Rowling: not even i am rich enough to overcome the limitsss of chronological time!
Rowling: not yet
Rowling: but sssomeday
Rowling: if only i hadn't ssspent sso much on that fence

Alan Moore: [appearing in a clap of thunder] Behold! The Arch magus!
King: the arch magus!
Koontz: the arch magus!
Lovecraft: the arch magus!
Barker: the arch magus!
Poe: the arch magus!

Alan Moore: behold! the story of the boy wizard antichrist!
Rowling: ALRIGHT i can definitely sssue over this
Moore: ah foolish mortal, observe and know... i never specifically SAID harry potter
Moore: i just said the boy wizard named [mumbles] who goes to school at [mumbles] school of witchcraft and wizardry and fights [mumbles]

Rowling: curse you moore!
Rowling: alwayssss one ssstep ahead of the game!
Rowling: curssse your plausssible deniability!
Rowling: hmmm "plaussible deniability" huh?
Rowling: well TWO can play that game...

Rowling: so anyway the nazis didn't actually commit those documented crimes
King: gosh joanne that uh kinda sounds-
Rowling: oh but you'll notice i never said the word "holocaust"
Rowling: haha i'm too sslippery for you!
Rowling: johnny law can't keep up!
Rowling: they'll never catch JK Rowling with her molted ssskin around her anklesss!


Rook R.M. McNamara

I love your Gaiman. Doesn't come around too often, which is great, else we'd drown in his verbal limpidity, but oh, he's gloriously cringe 😍