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Karl Edward Wagner: Submitted for the approval of the midnight society, i call this the tale of the sticks
Wagner: so there's this guy out walking in the woods
Wagner: and he sees some sticks
Barker: yeah thats usually the case
King: clive's right, there do tend to be sticks in the woods

Barker: real unusual man, wow, sticks in the woods!
Barker: where'd they come from huh? from a tree or something?
Wagner: no no no
Wagner: it's not just any sticks
Wagner: these sticks
Wagner: are scary

Wagner: like, see, these sticks are made into these little figures
King: oh, like the blair witch project
Wagner: no not like the
Wagner: ok yeah fine just like the blair witch project

Wagner: whatever what's the point
Wagner: why don't you all just go watch that movie
King: oh jeeze karl i didn't mean anything by it
King: i'm sure your sticks are much better
Wagner: whatever

King: c'mon karl tell us
Wagner: whatever
King: we're listening
Wagner: no
Wagner: you're all gonna laugh at my sticks
King: i promise you, we won't karl

Wagner: ok so this guy is in the woods
Wagner: and he sees all these creepy stick figures
Wagner: like, SUPER creepy

Wagner: so then he sees this farmhouse
Wagner: and he's all, i'm gonna go in the farmhouse
Koontz: oh! just like the blai
King: dean! no!
Koontz: what? it is!
King: haha he doesn't mean anything by it, karl

Wagner: so he sees creepy sticks all over the woods
Wagner: and then he goes in this house
Wagner: and inside this house...
King: what!? whoa!!!
Barker: holy shit!!!
Poe: did not see that coming!

King: phew now that
King: that was pretty scary
King: a monster! wow! how do you come up with these things
Wagner: oh but there's more
King: more?!
King: you gotta be kidding karl!
King: we just had a monster!
King: there can't possibly be more!
Wagner: oh but there is

Wagner: what if it  turned out
Wagner: the sticks, the monster
Wagner: were all part of an ancient conspiracy
Wagner: a rather yog sogothy sort of conspiracy
Lovecraft: oh! oh!
Lovecraft: i know this one!


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