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An episode you won't want to miss featuring remote viewer No. 1, Joe McMoneagle. This episode explores multiple realms, from Joe's military career conducting intelligence operations in Vietnam, out-of-body experiences, near-death experiences, his entry into remote viewing, being recruited for a classified project known as Stargate, and more.

Joe has successfully targeted both small and large-scale objectives, ranging from remote viewing Mars to the world's largest nuclear sub and even saving missing children.

Enjoy the show,

Vigilance Elite




Could Joe remote view to the antler-figure with the body armor?

Shane Dial

Werewolves of Thailand


My grandmother, former Army I, used to practice transmission on me when I was younger. It took 10 yrs. Later & a degree in Behavior Psy to understand what she meant by:"I see you received my gift" ( hell! I thought she meant the check in the mail for school). Like Joe, I grew up dirt poor, had an early life of trials & tribulations. Somehow, got to college on scholarship, worked w/emotionally troubled youth, then gave myself the gift of a lifetime...became a commercial pilot. Some threads are apparent from Joe's interview: 1. Runs thru genetic lineages, Scotch Irish seem to be sensitive. 2. Early life trauma before age 12, both physical & emotional seems to enhance the gift. 3. Men seem to be better at it then women,( could be why there are more Buddist monks, then nuns). 4. Never, NEVER understood the "vibration" until this interview, but you feel it...it is coming! 5. My brother (3yrs.older) was so sensitive he never left the house after dark. He saw the medicine man a lot...his wives thought him "crazy". I knew he was seeing something the rest of us couldn't...he trained me to see after dark. It also helps to live in an area that American Indians lived...along Rivers & Waterways. Very active . When I was OBE, IT always came as I relaxed & was almost asleep, or just before waking. At 69, I seldom have these anymore ( or maybe tuned them out..you don't want to tell the Flight Physical Doc you do that)!


My culture holds a ceremony called a “Shaking Tent” that is similar to what is described in this interview and what we call “Shapeshifters”.


Great Interview!


Would remote viewing work with a computer picking the targets? Such as, a program randomly picks a target, without human intervention. Maybe the viewer himself can initiate it, or have it run on a schedule, but the answer is obscured. Then the viewer looks for the target, and could later confirm if it was a hit. Such as having ChatGPT think of random targets, which would generate a wide variety of possible targets/timeframes etc. or does it need a human to interact with the target document in some way to make it happen?


That's a tough question I don't think we can quite answer! But I am sure this is going to require some form of human interaction vs using AI.