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An episode you won't want to miss featuring remote viewer No. 1, Joe McMoneagle. This episode explores multiple realms, from Joe's military career conducting intelligence operations in Vietnam, out-of-body experiences, near-death experiences, his entry into remote viewing, being recruited for a classified project known as Stargate, and more.

Joe has successfully targeted both small and large-scale objectives, ranging from remote viewing Mars to the world's largest nuclear sub and even saving missing children.

Enjoy the show,

Vigilance Elite



Steven Russelle

After hearing this, One wonders whether that silent (or screaming) warning voice in one's head is his Guardian Angel's voice, or rather is the person's own voice speaking after his awareness, having gone on ahead and discovered trouble awaits along the planned path makes known the danger. Perhaps remote viewing is available to everyone who will listen.


What a great interview Shawn, Mcmoneagle is such an interesting man!

Kevin Timmer

Sounds like an edit point when Joe started talking about kids. What was that about?