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Please welcome our next guest to the show, widely known as "Obi Wan Nairobi," officially recognized as Christian Craighead. Christian is a former British 22 SAS operator who responded to the DusitD2 Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya, in January 2019. Although Christian cannot fully explain in detail what occurred inside the hotel and his actions while fighting off the attackers and saving innocent lives, he does share the events leading up to and what occurred afterward. Christian also shares the story of an American he saved, Meyli Chapin, who wrote a book called "Terrorist Attack Girl." We also explore everything from Christian's childhood to his entry into the military, close-quarters engagements as a pathfinder, and more!




Amazing interview Shawn. Christian is an incredible human being. I would love to meet him.


80 minutes in. Absolute gold.


Then we go to 2 Samuels 13; Romans Chapter 2.... Command is literally using the view of so called law to sew unrughteioopusness.. its literally flipped. Christian Craighead is completely righteous. Chris upheld the law that day in Kenya. it is the usurpers that hear the law but do not practise it whom are attempting to snuff Chris because he actually is NOBLE


What is the backstory about the Jim Caviezel interview getting pulled or removed? Thanks for another legendary interview of Christian. Best, Chris


I should have searched out the answer for myself first. I see on X that the Jim caviezel episode is posted with the explanation - violating communism standards. That's such typical nonsense from ScrewTube.


Good episode!


Even with as hamstrung as he was as far as not being able to talk about the incident, that was still a powerful interview. Great stuff.


Sounds like they didn't want him to stop the attack. Just saying...


Wow- what a hero. Thank God for brave men like Christian who helped all those people. I got chills when Christian shared about the man blessing him when he got out of his car. God has His hands on Christian. ❤️🙏🏼


Shawn man. What an enthralling interview. I was bullied in school, but the amount Chris went through. Thank the Father that he uses his powers for good and not evil.