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Please welcome our next guest to the show, widely known as "Obi Wan Nairobi," officially recognized as Christian Craighead. Christian is a former British 22 SAS operator who responded to the DusitD2 Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya, in January 2019. Although Christian cannot fully explain in detail what occurred inside the hotel and his actions while fighting off the attackers and saving innocent lives, he does share the events leading up to and what occurred afterward. Christian also shares the story of an American he saved, Meyli Chapin, who wrote a book called "Terrorist Attack Girl." We also explore everything from Christian's childhood to his entry into the military, close-quarters engagements as a pathfinder, and more!




The Weaponds Of Mass Destruction lie was the great desecration of the sacred military consecration.


I did a school exchange to New York in 1998 and visited the WTC. In 2001, I watched 9/11 on TV as 16 year old. For me, it had a massive impact and was the reason I joined the British Army. I later did two tours of Afghanistan. It didn't seem at all weird to go to war for the US. It felt to me like an attack on our collective way of life. I only questioned it years later when I visited the US and the border guards treated me (as they do everyone) like scum. I remember feeling quite hurt because I thought I'd be welcome.


Another excellent interview!!! Christian, I hope that you can win the appeal and have your book published. You are a walking miracle infused by God. Just keep moving forward with your plans and new destinies will come into play. Your story is an inspiration to all. Thank you for your service.


Retired Green Beret Kevin Owens covers a lot of 'The Troubles' on his YT channel. Def worth checking out for anyone interested in the subject.


wow what a great story and interview. Thank you for doing this.


The command do they even read their own textbooks? Christian Craighead has 22 years of military experience, thoroughly understands the Rules of Engagement in Conventional Law of Armed Conflict, understands professional code of honor, and had an ethical duty to pursue. Any command that says he is "promoting lawlessness" is a confirmed perfidious element that either lacks the ability to differentiate, or is unable to articulate intertextualities to their subordinates. If a command element cannot take this as a case study and convey how Christian Craighead UPHELD the law, then that command is admitting to be inadequate and a barrier to the common interest of mankind, and the general welfare of their allies and neighbors. Command go suck it and their JAG seems super soft and weak.

Geri Lynne Dannels

What a amazing man of God! I had never heard of Chris before your show Shawn. I will have to do some research to find outore about him. It warms my heart to see someone willing to take on the evil we are up against in this world today. We can all learn a few things from Chris, one for sure is to be courageous in the face of fear. People can't judge you if you don't stand up to higher principles. Stand for what you believe in regardless of what you think might happen to you. Thanks Christian for standing in the face of adversity.


North East England was a violent place in the late 70s early 80s , I can totally relate to Christians story, violence and family. It lit a fire inside me that has never gone away


Ngl, the preview made it seem we were getting deets what happened that day. Major blue balls for sure, but still a good episode nonetheless. I hope we get to hear the full story on what happened that day.


Side Comment: Hearing about the UK/British Government reaction reminds me of all the James Bond Movies. Deeds not Words, well done Mr. Craighead! It's Your Journey not anyone elses. Keep the Faith. God Bless you and your future endeavors.....

Justin Perry

Man I hope he gets it all worked out. He really seems more down than he was in other interviews. Depression or stress but something's fucking him up right now .


The narsisism and overwhelming lack of empathy that must prevail in a mans heart to say "he shouldn't have done that" , is so disheartening. It speaks volumes.


God bless you brother Christian Craighead, honor and respect. Anything 22 SAS-related is astronomically alluring. 1977 was the year when US special operators had gone to the UK and trained under the British SAS and when they came back to the continental United States they created 1st SFOD-D (1st special forces operational detachment-delta) our very own JSOC hostage rescue special operations element. I always watch your jaw-dropping episodes on YouTube but Mr. Craighead himself made me join patreon so I don't have to wait for the full episode, so stoked I am. Im at a low level of frustration because I understand UK-sanctioned special operations in 22 SAS are highly classified and I respect his honor safeguarding 22 SAS mission profiles/documents... but the Obi Wan Nairobi hero-dimension mission is something he should be able to talk about 100% freely. Rob O'neil needs to learn from Craighead, meaning to safeguard ALL top secret operations, that's the difference between 22 SAS/1st SFOD-D (delta force) and other special operations teams worldwide is that delta and DEVGRU are polar opposites meaning it seems as if O'neil is seeking recognition, stardom, attention, and acting/premiering as "hollywood Rob." Real tier one special operators aren't show ponies and tier one missions are not a spectator sport. Stay safe my dear brothers, US Army infantry veteran signing off. Be easy, stay frosty.


He is clearly struggling. I pray he is able to reinvent himself and find a new purpose with God's continued guidance. I bought his book and look forward to reading it.


New. Why was the Jim Cavizel show pulled?


Oh wow. The childhood part...I really identify with this guy. I've been betrayed all my life too. Thanks for this


The MIC plans to put up one Jackal every 5 days until there are thousands of these satellites invading our airspace. They can track and attack earth bound assets- US! This will be used for the massive false flag event in the future when the population is brought down and controlled by DEWs. They will blame the aliens while the MIC is attacking us. Fascist One World Order takeover.


Why can't he talk about it?


he thinks SF312's have force and affect outside of owns own imagination and not in law.... the soilders havent realized that the united states is in default and most contracts beteween the united states and the consumer; is that most of them are dissolved for misrepresentation, unconcionability, lack of performancer, or commercial immpractability..... it is ALL smoke and mirrors and some are still afraid of the mirrors. Chris is still staying in honor honoring the spirit of the law so we have to respect that. he is honoring his unit.


This is an incredible interview. I watched this after the Billy what’s his name interview, and all I can say is that there is a big difference in speaking with actual authority and understanding, vs speaking from a place of self-aggrandizement. This man has authority and understanding, 10000%

Beverly Shank

An answer to Shawn!s last Q, could you try to interview Robert O’Brian, Trump’s national security advisor, who spent 45” with Chris at White House?


Government: Never let a good deed go unpunished.