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In Round 2 with Sean Webb, we explore great depths of consciousness expansion and discuss how the CIA has invested in and funded the remote viewing program at the Monroe Institute. We delve into the psychic abilities that are being discovered and how the remote viewer #1, Joe McMoneagle, was recruited for this secret program. Sean discusses multiple real-life remote viewing operations that Joe uncovered, including the world's largest nuclear submarine.

Part 2 is coming up next!




Shawn. I'm a bit lost here. At the beginning of this episode and I'm descriptions it's pointed out that there was a previous episode on AI but this one is labeled #1 . Where can the previous episode be found?


I just can’t help but wonder how much of the research for this training program came from the Montauk project? With what I know of our country, I absolutely cannot fathom the CIA having a single altruistic bone in its “body”. Especially when one takes project paper clip, and it’s ramifications, into account. There are fantastic individuals in some of these alphabet agencies, but (as with most things) those that spearheaded it then and call the shots now, were/are nefarious as fuck. There’s no way the CIA was batting a thousand with its research or implementation of such programs. Again, individuals within were/are typically genuine and honest people, but they’ve dwindled into, what I would venture to guess, is a single digit percentage of the overall makeup of any agency these days. That’s totally conjecture and I tip my tinfoil tiara to you all.