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Early production is live everyone!!

Please remember that we use YouTube as a third party hosting platform to give you all these early produced videos. Once this get's premiered tomorrow morning the link will be unavailable until the premiere is finished. 

We are in the works of being able to upload video via Patreon but we are awaiting a response from them. This will allow us to cut out Youtube and you all will not have to worry about receiving a dead link if you were late. 

On a normal schedule we try to give you all the content to watch over the weekend before it goes live on Monday. 

Thank you,



DC Long - Army Combat Vet's Mysterious UFO Encounter in Underground Military Base | SRS #66 (Part 2)

The Whistleblower Marathon continues with former Army Combat Veteran DC Long. DC and his Father, then government contractors, were tasked with standing up a shoot house at Range 19. Before they knew it, they were ushered underground at gunpoint only to encounter a "Monolithic Slab." Long shares his story in great detail, recounting the sights and sounds of this UAP / UFO. Long describes a series of events that unfolded post his encounter that would ultimately separate he and his Father for life. This episode is a cold, hard look at how sinister the aftermath of such an encounter can be. 🚨↘️ Shawn Ryan Show Links ↙️🚨 Newsletter - https://shawnryanshow.com/pages/newsletter Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/VigilanceElite Apple - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/shawn-ryanshow/id1492492083 Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/5eodRZd3qR9VT1ip1wI7xQ?si=59f9d106e56a4509 TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@shawnryanshow Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/shawnryan762 Download Content - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lF-8_5jwRc5eAhzDkqqCOp-6yvd05vAw?usp=sharing #vigilanceelite #shawnryanshow DC Long Links: Discord - @dclong08 Whistleblowers - please write to: dclongranger@gmail.com Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://1stphorm.com/srs https://preparewithshawn.com



DC is an amazing American. His experience with this black project is just a sliver of the technology being concealed from our society. Great interview. Shawn, please let us know if the COMMUNITY can do anything for DC. He seems like a proud man but we can always help out a brother.


Michel Desmarquet spoke of this technology in his book Thiaoouba Prophecy or abducted to the 9th planet. Tom Chalko tried to understand it and wrote a paper on it. The box neutralises the cold magnetic forces which allows things it touches to be weightless. Gravity is made up of positive and negative charge if you neturilise the negative the cold force things become weightless. They used it to build the pyramids for example.