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Hey community,

We have received a couple of emails regarding patrons' Patreon accounts and their inability to access certain content related to their tier. Unfortunately, this issue is beyond our control. We encourage you to contact Patreon support and explain the difficulties you're experiencing.

We want to assure you that we are not scamming you and we want you to fully enjoy the benefits you're paying for. We aim to provide a better experience, but please understand that we cannot access individual accounts or control the Patreon interface.

Thank you to those who have brought this matter to our attention.

Please also check your accounts. If your payment declines you will be restricted from viewing patron-only content until you pay for your past-due bill. 

Vigilance Elite



Ya I was confused too I don’t have any access through patreon to anything but these posts. No training vids and only maybe ten SRS vids. I have to go to YouTube for the SRS vids. Kinda was wondering why patreon is needed at all but makes sense if there’s a bug keeping me from getting them.


Interesting, I’m able to access all content (shows, training vids, etc) from both the website as well as the app. I wonder why it works for some but not for others?