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In this VE Discussion Jon asked me about what I would do differently if I could go back and do 2020 over again. We cover some of what I'm thinking about looking forward and working on if/when prices and availability start to resemble normal.

The takeaway is get the mindset working moving forward to be better prepared for the next disaster and there's always a next disaster.

Let us know what ya'll are doing these days when it comes to recovering your prepping, what you experienced and what you'd do differently.



(No title)



By the way, thank you for that 36 yard zero video. It was the bees knees.. It was really appreciated big time. I actually referred a few friends that downloaded the target and are super thankful.


I agree land prices have sky rocketed! I really hope that this doesn't crush my dreams of having a big chance of land to retire to and be left alone. My family has some so for now I'm making the best of the resources we have. :) Also love your content, thanks for all the free information, you can never know too much! :)