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I’m actually new at this and I’d like to bring this up on our next live.

I’d like to move some cash into gold and silver. What are reputable websites you all trust, and how easy are these to sell if you need too?

I’ve been told this site is one of the best.


Does it matter what coins, bars, and weight of each to invest in?

Thank you and Cheers 🍻




I did a bunch of research on this about 4-5 years ago . I think it’s kind of nice that the good price will be almost exactly opposite the stock market . So imo it’s nice diversity. It’s extremely volatile though like a single stock . A big reason I didn’t get into it was that I found that a lot of people have physical gold will be targeted for robbery. It seemed like quite a lot of cases . I do have the same concern with my gun though but at least I’ll have a way to defend myself .


The other reason I didn’t get into it was that if SHTF I do not think that gold will have value I think other things that common prepper items people would have would hold more value in say a hyper inflation situation that imo if they keep the shutdowns and shelling out money to the people we are really close to a bad situation


Sorry if this is a repost, I dont see my first one. So as a mutual fund manager, I like to think I know a little bit about this. Gold is typically thought to be a hedge against inflation, fearing paper money is going to lose its value… and it probably is. Anytime we can print an endless amount of something ( like paper money) Its going to lose its value. Gold in terms of investments has always underperformed the market. Since the 70’s the stock market has returned something like 14% and gold somewhere around 7% Silver on the other hand does have more uses. Its used in all kinds of shit like computers, medical supplies, solar panels etc. So between gold and silver, I think Silver has a more promising outlook since it has so many uses, and Gold has very few practical uses. 3 Ways to buy silver or gold
1. Bullion: Basically just a chunk of gold or silver. Its going to be cheaper to buy and will be valued at whatever the current “per ounce rate” is.

 2: Numismatic: Thats like buying rare coins. It will cost more, but has both current market value and POSSIBLY a “Collectability” value added in. 3: Precious metal ETF’s: This is basically buying a mutual fund with precious metals in their portfolios. They perform pretty well, but if you’re thinking of metals as a “prepping, off the grid type of way” this basically like buying a stock or mutual fund and doesnt have that “buried in the back yard “ benefit. Bottom Line: It never hurts to have a little diversification, but dont expect to get rich. If you’re thinking you need something to use for bartering in a Shit hits the fan scenario…. Gold/silver coins have an actual legal tender amount and probably more liquid.