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This was not included in the final production with General Robert Spalding.

I'm sure you can all deduce that we will be censored if we broadcast this across other social media giants.



This will continue to happen, as long as we continue to play frisbee with the Chinese.

Bodaduchee Bodaduchee

We could use organs from our death row inmates? But that would create a buisness. Innocent people would be put on death row for their organs. This only works right if the transplant is free.

Ms. Jodi

Mariana van Zeller has a show called Trafficked. In one of the episodes she talked to people who currently are in this disgusting business. Thank you General Robert Spalding for speaking about this!


The amount of Communist wannabees in DC concerns me.

Beverly Shank

May I plug for The Epoch Times, an anti-CCP global media outlet (news, TV, mags, documentaries). Motto is Truth & Tradition. Founded by escapees from CCP China, they regularly report on CCP abuses and get smeared by MSM and CCP proxies as right wing disinformation, Trumpers, etc.