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We have become aware that all Vimeo links are currently inoperable for iPhone mobile users. We are currently investigating whether this issue also affects Android mobile users. Your feedback on this matter would be greatly appreciated; please provide any insights in the comments section.

Please note that the links do function properly via desktop, and we recommend utilizing this platform until Patreon resolves the issue. Rest assured, we will promptly report this issue to Patreon's support team for further assistance.

Thank you for your understanding and patience as we work to resolve this matter. We apologize for yet another inconvenience within Patreon's platform.

-Vigilance Elite


Jordan Dunigan

I am on IPhone and usually listen on my way into work, so yes them not working sucks.


Not sure if anyone has seen what the antihero podcast has been saying but just interested to hear what shawn has to say about all of it. They are saying some pretty serious shit and if it unfounded I would think more team guys would be addressing the issues. Recently a former Seal came on that show and backed what they were saying.