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Hi everyone, sorry again for the silence on here, I gave a couple of small updates on the discord and posted some ramblings there a couple of days ago which I'm going to quickly transcribe into the tldr version here so that I can rush this post out the door in time.

But the main point of this post is to show you some more of my progress via another video audio demo for Tiffany. Now, this still isn't exactly done yet at far as polish and what I had hoped to show for this demo that I've been going on for a while now. It still needs a couple of days worth of tweaking here and there to fix some audio looping bugs, improve the zombie sounds, add a few more conditions to which lines can play and when, add a filter to tiffany's lines when they are "thoughts" (ie inside of her head)instead of speech. add the guard move lines and finish updating the rest of the scene... But apart from that, this is basically more or less on track for what you can expect in v0.10 when it launches:


Speaking of launching, while I'm still not committing to specific dates or months for releases anymore. (I will again in the future some day when what I'm working on becomes simpler from v0.11 on wards and I feel like I am in a reliable rhythm again when it comes to consistent content releases.) I will share with you my current internal thinking so you can get an idea  of what I am hoping for.

My current development goal is to move the game towards a playable ALPHA build for people to test and give feedback on. The ALPHA won't contain any new "content" (at least no  new sex scenes, quests, etc) since it's purpose is about the gameplay and new systems. After that's sorted, I'll be swamping my focus to  pumping out those new scenes. The BETA will contain probably the first half of those new scenes alongside additional new features that weren't as important to have ready for the ALPHA test. ALPHA & BETA saves won't be compatible with the Full Release, so unless you're really keen on providing me with feedback and helping to test for bugs, most people will want to keep waiting until the Full v0.10 Release is out.

I am hoping to have the v0.10 BETA out around late November to early December. Again, this isn't a committal or a release date. I'm simply sharing with you my internal thinking so that you have a better idea of what I am aiming for. The releases will always come as soon as they are done. I'll take as long as I need to get things to a bar I am happy with before releasing. 

Obviously this means you should expect the ALPHA at some point before then. I'm just not sure when exactly yet.  Despite not having a lot to show for it, I did make a lot of progress  this month on the game so focusing all of my time on it this month was  productive even if it might not seem that way based on the lack of posts. But there are simply certain things that NEED to be in and working/fixed before I can release the ALPHA. Otherwise it would defeat the purpose of you all testing and getting feedback if it's not ready for it yet.

Where as the BETA is more focused on giving you guys new content to preview early more than  anything else. If a particular scene isn't ready yet, then it just won't  make the BETA release. But with the ALPHA release, since it's all about the event code and gameplay systems, etc, all of that work 100% needs to be completed before it's worth putting out there. Hopefully I am making some semblance of sense with that?

Now, clearly this means that v0.10's Full Release will likely not be until early next year now, instead. Again, I won't have an idea of when exactly until I'm done with the BETA. Hopefully not too much longer. It really  all depends on how much extra content I want to try and cram in at that  point before I call it a day and decide to finally move on from Day 1-2  for good. Obviously my goal here is to make it so that once v0.10 is  out, people won't have to replay the game from the beginning, or load  old saves to see even more new Day1-2 scenes. That all new content  released from v0.11 on-wards will move the story/days forward and not be  dwelling on adding more to the past. So that's the dilemma. I want  v0.10 to be as close to the "definitive"/"complete" Day 1-2 experience  as I can make it, but I do have an awful lot of ideas for things I'd  like to add before moving on from the prologue for good. (including a couple of things I haven't even mentioned on the roadmap)  But you have to ship at some point, ofc. Idk, I'll guess it will depend  on how fed up you all are with me once the BETA is finally out and  where you most want me to prioritize after that point, with regards to  whether I should keep going, or just cut down the day 1-2 plans and just  move on.

Anyway, thank you all for your continued patience. I know paused my page this month, but I had still hoped to produce some exciting content or visuals for you. But I honestly just need to focus on things one at a time at this point. I think moving forward I will dedicate the first week of each month to any bonus content, and then the rest of the month exclusively on the game. And whatever gets done in that first week, is what gets done for the month for bonus content. This should ensure that there will still be some bonus content each month for the higher tiers to enjoy, but that it also doesn't start to bleed over and consume too much of the time I should be spending focusing on the game. Micromanaging several things is just too difficult for me to get right. I work much better doing things one at a time in chronological order of importance.

In other news, the colors are also like 99% done for the next Jailbreak image so expect chapter 2 of that within the next week!

Sorry again for this rushed, last minute post with no new images. I will create another devblog when there is stuff worth talking about/showing. Right now, it's still a lot of getting the game back in a playable state and finishing the implementation and refactoring of features I have already talked about in previous blogs. Though I did make a lot of progress this month, and hope to continue next month. Check the discord for some mini updates as I make progress. I will continue to post small updates there in between big devblogs.

~ Jim


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