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^ A little something to tide you over until the next devblog.

Hello everyone,

This is just a heads up for those not following along on the Discord. I have decided to pause the Patreon page for August. This means that any active patrons won't get charged during the month August, nor lose access to the Page/Discord roles during the month. So there is no need to cancel your pledge this month since the next charge date is now September 1st. If any existing patron does get charged within the next 48 hours for some reason, send me a DM and I'll issue a refund.

Just to be clear, I am not taking a break from development. I am going to keep working. I just haven't been satisfied with the amount of progress I've made on the game itself over the last 2 months. I wanted a month to work on the game itself stress free from having to deliver bonus content, polls, sneak peaks, blogs etc. It's just because v0.10 is such a large update and there's still so much non visual stuff to do, that doesn't make for good blog/preview content to keep people interested while I continue to work. 

That being said, I would expect a  Blog + Sneak Peek post at some point during August to make up  for the lack of any in July. I just want to wait until I have stuff worth showing naturally rather than rush out some WIP content in the last week of the month just to have something cool to show. Which is what I've found myself doing recently in order to make the Dev Blogs feel "worth it" from a consumer perspective. I know a lot of people just want to support me financially regardless so that the game gets made, and I appreciate that. I just don't feel comfortable charging people for August if I under-delivered in terms of progress this month, and planed on pausing the bonus content in August to make up for it. I'd rather just work in a focused manner without the feelings of pressure or guilt that come with accepting people's pledges. I think I will ironically achieve a lot more this way. I'm not burnt out or anything. I expect to get more done during August that I have over the last 2 months, and if so you should look forward to some posts. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding. I'll post again when I've got something worth showing off. :)

~ Jim


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