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Hello everyone,

Apologies for how long it took me to put this post out there. I needed to make sure that everything I had planned to do for v0.10 was possible ahead of time to try and provide you with the most accurate break-down of upcoming changes and additions as I could. Of course, the overall skeleton of this roadmap hasn't changed too much from last year's. So to anyone familiar with my plans, it shouldn't be too shocking or drastically different. Yet, since v0.10 is such a massive update, I felt it necessary to really break down all the major facets of this build in particular so that you could better understand what I have in store, and justify the undoubtedly long wait ahead. I didn't want to over-do it with unnecessary information, so I've only highlighted the things I think are significant/of-interest. Though I have many more dev notes I might share in some other form for people who want to follow exactly what I'm doing. But I'm sure you'll find some interesting tidbits added outside of v0.10 as well. I've updated all of the version notes to some degree (except for v0.13 I think).

And just before we jump into the roadmap, if you are reading this at the time of original posting, I just wanted to quickly acknowledge that this is the final post I am releasing before I start my "break" for the month of March. I've paused the page, so none of the active patrons will be charged for March. You'll still keep access to your current tier and anything I happen to post during March. The next Patreon charge date will be April 1st, when I return to work on v0.10 proper. 

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get nearly as much done these last 2 weeks as I'd have liked. As much as my instincts are telling me to keep working at things and finish the promised stuff up over the next two weeks or so, I really just have to put the breaks on right here. Jumping into April with unfinished business will be unfortunate, but working through my break is only going to make things worse in the long run. Lately, I can feel myself coming apart at the seams. It's making everything take even longer. There's no reason posts like this one should have taken so long to put together. Especially considering that the bulk of it is lifted from the previous roadmap post. I think I might be more burnt out than I even realize... Not on the game itself, v0.10 is the build I've been most excited for since I conceived it. Just on everything else surrounding TD and what I have to do to manage it all. I need this break. And since March is here now, I'll just have to force myself to take it, even if I will be riddled with guilt for the first week or so. I just need to accept that I'll never be satisfied with my current progress and there is no "perfect" time to take a break. Therefore, making sure that I actually take a proper one, is more important than making sure I am "ready" to take one.

So sorry to those who were looking forward to more posts. Inevitably, I will likely end up doing some of them during the month at some point. I have 2 more Xmas images I just need to edit, some comic pages, some polls/sneak peeks, the audio demo, etc. But I'm not going to force myself to get them done in March. If I feel like working on some stuff, I will. If not, I'll get to it in April. 

Thank you for your continued patience, understanding & support.  Hopefully this break will do it's trick and things will go back to some semblance of "normal" from April on-wards. I have no plans for further breaks in 2021. 

~ Jim

v0.10 (Huge Overhaul Update)

Planned Content:

  • Necessary code refactoring & plugin additions. (Will result in breaking pre v0.10 save files)
  • "Gallery" feature. (To view/replay unlocked Sex Scenes)
  • Improved "Character Build" control with Skills, Perks & Traits, and Stat Point allocation on level-up. (Including sexual options/alternatives of course)
  • "Crafting" mechanic + new items and recipes. (Tied to new Crafting skill)
  • Improved Day 1 Opening Sequence "Pre Vanessa". (More images. Refined dialogue. Player choices. Less linear sewer layout. Flashlight introduction. Skip intro option)
  • Lesbian Tiffany & Vanessa Sex Scene. ("Take Advantage" option after rescuing her on Day 1)
  • Hitomi & Terry Sex Scene. (If Hitomi is freed. Morning of Day 2, before Tiffany awakes)
  • Tiffany & Dr. Milburn Sex Scene. (Day 2. If Milburn is imprisoned. In exchange for access to his hidden "stash". Hitomi will watch)
  • Dr. Milburn & Hitomi Sex Scene. (Day 2. If Hitomi is imprisoned. First slave "Training" scene. Tiffany will assist)
  • Jebadiah, Big Barney & Debra Sex Scene. (Day 2. After bringing Debra & Barney to Jeb's farm. Barney part is optional)
  • Hitomi, Vanessa & Jasper Sex Scene. (Day 2. At night, while Tiffany is unconscious at Casino. Depending on which girls are free, Hitomi & Vanessa will give Jasper a bath...)
  • "Cum Extraction" Scenes with Zombie Kiana & Andre for "Stealth Mode". (Day 3)
  • Glory Hole Scene with Tiffany & Regular Male Zombie. (Day 3)
  • Extended Cut of Tiffany, Lara & Fister Sex Scene from v0.09. (Day 3)
  • Extended Cut of "Prologue End" scene. (Day 3)
  • Combat Sex Scenes for Debra with: Male Zombie, Female Zombie, Futa Zombie, Double Dick Zombie & Zorse. (For Day 2, while she's in Tiffany's party)
  • First part of a small side quest to help Hitomi/Dr. Milburn collect DNA samples for their research… (Will unlock their supply shop)
  • First batch of voiced lines for Tiffany. (Thanks to TheVoiceVixxen)
  • Improved Audio. (Sex Scene & Character Hit sfx + Combat Dialogue Variation)
  • Town/Sewer maps updated + Some new areas for Day 1 & 2. 
  • Pregnancy & Character Bio status pages. (With all the relevant tracking info)
  • Split Tiffany's sexual preferences into more categories for finer player control. ("Slut for Male Zombies", "Slut for Female Zombies", "Slut for Futa Zombies", etc) And an additional status page where you can track them.
  • "Autosave" Option. (Will auto-save to 3 unique save slots upon map change/before a story scene without invasively prompting the player)
  • A Hotkey to skip sex scenes at any point, eliminating the intrusive choice box before every scene. Also "Quicksave", "Reload All" & "Repair Armor" Hotkeys.
  • "Faster Battles" Toggle to speed up combat. (skip combat images & dialogue)
  • Option to disable some of the more intrusive features like "named save files".
  • Option to spare Dr. Milburn after defeating him in combat.
  • Re-balancing of Enemies (including adding Female Zombies to pre v0.07 areas) & Loot. (including new items)
  • Fix for Zombie sprites so that they retain their previous position when reloading a map. (This will allow for strategic courting and also the possibility of being surrounded by zombies when re-entering an uncleared location).
  • Shops will have limited (but reasonable) stock.
  • Tiffany & Big Barney Sex Scene. (Day 2) If time permits.
  • Self-Strip & Undress Abilities for Tiffany. If time permits.
  • Masturbation Ability + Scene for Tiffany. If time permits.
  • Achievements & Collectibles. If time permits. (Though I will add back-end support).
  • Many more improvements, fixes & minor additions that I've been meaning to address for some time.

^ What!? How did we end up back here!!!

This is one of those necessary overhauls that has to be done in order to move forward with the game. I primarily need to break saves in order to properly redo the code that I use to me manage Tiffany's (and by extension, the other girls') bodies along with the various outfit variations. Since Tiffany has been naked during Day 3 so far (v0.08-0.09) it hasn't been too much work to handle things the old way, but now that we're done with the Casino Story, one of the first things that will happen in v0.11, will be Tiffany getting her updated outfit on top of all her different body types, the old method is just not efficient when I can do the same thing in a fraction of the lines the new way. So that's why we're doing this now.

It is also a great opportunity to refactor a lot of my crappy code and game design decisions from the early portions of TD. That and add in a large selection of new plugins/features that would have not played nice or caused crashes with existing saves. And of course, now that I have a much better idea of where the game is heading specifically (vs when I started) I can add a lot of things into the backend to hopefully future proof the game and prevent this sort of thing from having to happen too often during ongoing development of ACT's 1 and 2.

Of course, since players will have to begin again from the start, there will also be a sizeable amount of new scenes to make it more worth your while. I am personally very excited to get to work properly on this version. Despite not moving the plot forward at all, it's probably the biggest update to TD yet. Though I also apologize since I know a lot of players would prefer me to instead focus on continuing the game's story content and don't want me breaking their saves and re-working existing sections. I also apologize for the length of time it will undoubtedly take me. I believe I will be working on v0.10 for many months this year. But I can assure you that it is all necessary in order to progress. And I am confident that you will agree when you get to experience this build of the game for yourselves. 

I hope for v0.10 to be a fairly feature-complete vertical slice of what the full TD experience will have to offer. A more proper demo of what the final game will hopefully feel like. I appreciate that a lot of players would rather I just focus on adding new sex scenes and not spend too much time improving the game/gameplay itself. But to me, this is an important part of TD. I want to make sure that the game itself is interesting and enjoyable to play. Even without the sex scenes. I will hopefully post a discussion post for the $5+ tier tomorrow for them to provide feedback on other minor additions or tweaks they'd like to see made to the gameplay for v0.10. Quality of Life improvements primarily.  Also Perk, trait, skill and item ideas. 

v0.11 (Medium Update)

Planned Content:

  • New Areas. (North part of town, Post-Casino)
  • New Zombie Beast (Z hound) with 1 Combat Sex Scene.
  • 2 New Characters (Male Priest, Female Nun) at the town's church complete with a side quest and 2 Sex Scenes total.
  • Re-rendered Combat Sex Scenes with Tiffany’s new body types for these enemies: Futa Zombie, Double Dick Zombie.
  • Cum Extraction Scenes with Z hound, Futa Zombie & Double Dick Zombie for "Stealth Mode".
  • Tiffany’s updated blue outfit (slightly police themed ;P) with the additional armor piece (Mini-Skirt) added.

^ Tiffany's complete, new look, will first be seen in v0.11 [4 armor pieces total]

This will be the version where you'll get to properly begin ACT 1, exit the casino and venture into the north side of town, only to find even more trouble of course  ;) Tiffany will spend v0.11-v0.16 stuck in the north side of town. But it shouldn't be so bad since there is a wealth of content to get through and new people to meet (and fuck) :P

Speaking of which, one of the 3 winners of the 2.5k goal reward had requested a scene with some rope bondage content, which I determined would best fit in with the church characters/scenario that I had planned, so I've added that in here. 

Originally this was going to be a bigger update that started the next section of the main story too. But I had decided it best to split that part off into it's own version instead so I can focus on delivering each half individually. So this will be the exploration part where you can encounter new characters, enemies & locations, all with Tiffany's new blue outfit with badge and miniskirt.

v0.12 (Medium Update)

Planned Content:

  • 4 new characters: Daniel & Ricky (Male) + Ali & Reyna. (Female)
  • New “Sleeper” Zombie (2nd place from the 2K Goal poll) with 1 combat sex scene.
  • A Sex Scene with Reyna & a Sleeper Zombie where you can choose whether to let her turn or save her.
  • A Zombie Horde Gangbang Sex Scene. (Tiffany & 5 Male Zombies)
  • A Sex Scene between Reyna & Ricky. (If you save Reyna)
  • A Sex Scene between Tiffany & Ricky.
  • A fun, sexy sequence with Tiffany & Ali... ;)
  • New weapon: SMG. (9mm rounds)

^ Ricky & Reyna. 

This will be the next big continuation of the main story, after the Casino. Will finally meet Ali, along with a few of the characters from her group. Namely: Ricky, Reyna & Daniel(to be designed). A lot of people have requested a female character that they can choose to watch get infected or save, so Reyna will fill that void for those who are interested. She'll be up against the new "Sleeper" Zombie type too. Originally an enemy to debut in v0.11, but figured this story scene was a better introduction to this type of infected, before Tiffany encounters them in "the wild". Though I'd personally recommend saving Reyna to see where her content goes instead :P. And there will also be the "medium sized" Gangbang Scene with multiple loops/cum shots (Interested to see how that goes...) and a little more :)

I don't want to put a date on things, but I really hope to get v0.12 out before the end of 2021. But that depends on how development on v0.10 goes...

v0.13 (Large Update)

Planned Content:

  • This version will be a special flashback sequence where you play as Ali when the infection started! ($750 Patreon goal!). 
  • At least 4 sex scenes while playing as Ali.
  • Introduce 8 other characters (5 male, 3 female) that were with Ali in the flashback.
  • Introduce an important antagonist for ACT 1 of ‘Terminal Desires’.
  • New "Swimsuit Outfit" for Ali to wear during part of this flashback sequence. (To be decided by supporters)
  • Make choices as Ali in this flashback that will affect her character in the current time...

^v0.12 - v0.15 has a pretty hefty amount of Ali content to look forward to!

Yes, the fabled, long awaited, Ali flashback sequence! Still so close, but yet so far...

This is something that has been in the planning stages since we passed the $750 goal a long, long time ago. This version will have new content that takes place inside a flashback where Ali is filling Tiffany in on her experiences so far... You'll be able to go back to Day 1 of the infection in Ashton Lake (just over 1 week ago) and play several sections of story and gameplay as Ali, and even make some choices there that will have an impact on Ali's personality/corruption level back in the current timeline when we return to her conversation with Tiffany, as she leads her towards where her group of survivors are holed up.

I've done a lot of planning on this one. My plans are basically 95% set in stone here, but it's too early to reveal too many things. We'll see a lot of new characters introduced in this flashback, but who knows how many will make it? (I do, lol) I'll just say this: if you want to see a bunch of people get fucked up by zombies, then this should be a fun one! I even plan on introducing one of the major antagonist characters for ACT 1 of TD who has some important character ties that should be fun to explore in future versions :) It might just have the biggest dick yet...

v0.14 (Medium Update)

Planned Content:

  • Meet the rest of Ali’s group of survivors at their safe zone. So far it’s looking like: 14 new characters (7 Male, 5 Female, 2 Futa).
  • Quest to investigate and punish a thieving culprit among Ali's group. (1 Sex Scene) 
  • 1 Sex Scene between Ali and a bestial companion of hers… ;)
  • At least 2 more TBD sex scenes.
  • Other Quests from Ali’s group of survivors.
  • Train some of Tiffany's skills/stats with "Trainer" characters.
  • Access to a new shop.

^Holly Hoare (Age 19 - College Freshman - Pizza Delivery Girl) is one of the new characters. This is a design for another project I worked on, but she will look basically like this but with a sluttier outfit. The other new girls will be new designs. I just really wanted to do something with this model that I never properly used for anything else :P

This is going to be a big update in terms of the number of new characters added. Not everyone will have scenes or quests in this first installment, but there will be more in v0.15. We can split it up further if people want me to give everyone a sex scene before moving on with the story. 

The characters here aren't all set in stone by a long shot though, I'm still accepting suggestions for male characters in this discussion thread. I have plenty of ideas for female characters, though I might add some more when the time comes. I'm still not 100% sure on how I want the gender dynamic of the group to be just yet so things may change. Also, there will still be some ACT 1 characters to be found or encountered later in the game so this certainly won't be the final roster. Especially when we consider this game has a second act planned...

v0.15 (Medium Update)

Planned Content:

  • Take Ali as a companion during a night mission, as part of the Main Quest. At least 1 Story Sex Scene.
  • 1 new powerful "Night Stalker" Zombie type that is only active at night with Combat Sex Scenes for both girls. 
  • A Cum Extraction Scene with the Night Stalker for "Stealth Mode".
  • Combat Sex Scenes for Ali with all of the Zombie Enemies that are needed.
  • TBD Quests & Sex Scenes with Ali’s group of survivors.
  • The end of Day 3.

^Time to properly fight alongside Ali & see how combat differs at night ;)

After you've finished meeting (and probably fucking) everyone and doing a handful of quests for them, you'll be back on the trail of the Main Quest as Tiffany embarks on her first night mission with Ali as a companion and encounters some cool new stuff + story that's too early to get into just yet. :P

When they get back to to the safe zone, it will be time for Tiffany to sleep. Day 3 will end. And with Day 4 on the horizon, you know what that means...

v0.16 (Small Update)

Planned Content:

  • Nightmare/Wet-Dream sequence. (If Stage 2 growth is expected the following morning)
  • Morning of Day 4.
  • First possible body growth for 2nd [final] stage of pregnancy. (Or ‘Lactivate’ pill effects) This will introduce the final 3 Body types for Tiffany.
  • I will be re-rendering a lot of repeatable content to account for Tiffany's new bodies again. Though it will be easier this time since I've retained all of the source/pose files for each scene. 
  • New gameplay side-effects for Stage 2 Pregnant Tiffany.

Tiffany will have to sleep at the group's safe zone that night because it's too dangerous for her to travel back to the south side of town. The Nightmare/Wet-Dream sequence is the request of one of the 2.5K goal winners. It will be a transformation sequence with a sex scene. Subconsciously anticipating the growth awaiting her the next morning, in her dream, Tiffany will transform into an "ultimate bimbo breeding machine" and some extreme sex scene will ensue.  It will all be a dream though. I will work closely with that winner to determine how the transformation & scene will play out. If her transformation is too extreme for you though, you can always skip it. How your Tiffany has been built will determine whether this is a Nightmare or Wet-Dream for her. 

When Tiffany wakes up in the morning, if she was knocked up on Day 1, then she'll be at the 2nd and final stage of her pregnancy here. Her body will have grown again. (Will probably see it grow) Because of this, I will take this time to just focus this update on re-rendering all of the necessary repeatable content like Dialogue, Combat and Combat Sex Scene images. I don't want to get to overwhelmed with it like I was when I packed too much into v0.08.

You'll be able to walk around town, fight/fuck some zombies, complete any unfinished quests, but not much else.

v0.17 (Large Update)

Planned Content:

  • Finally go back to the south side of town via a new outskirts area.
  • New Lactation/Milking content at the Farm.
  • New Sex Scene available between Tiffany & George. (If not pregnant)
  • New Sex Scenes for Tiffany and all of the Pharmacy girls (Hitomi, Vanessa, Debra - assuming they are free) with the Horny Male Survivors who have taken over the Pharmacy. And a subsequent Quest to retake the Pharmacy.
  • Re-rendered combat sex scenes with Tiffany’s new body types for the Zorse.
  • Re-rendered sex scenes with Tiffany's new body for Magnum, Atlas, Long John & Big Barney.

Now that she's ready, Tiffany will finally be able to travel back to the Pharmacy. The route through the casino is blocked, so she'll need to take the long route around out in a new part of the outskirts of town, passing back through Jebadiah's farm for some more optional fun along the way. This should be fun to get back to all the current characters again after a long period of time only working on new ones. 

And yes, (assuming all the Pharmacy girls in your game are free) they will all get new sex scenes when Tiffany returns to find the Pharmacy occupied by a group of Horny male survivors who have taken over. Retaking the Pharmacy will be an interesting Quest, because it will depend heavily on the choices Tiffany made earlier. Which characters did Tiffany Rescue? Who is free/imprisoned? etc. There will be a number of ways this scenario can play out. 

It's possible that I may need to split this one up and do just the farm content first if it's taking too long... We'll see. 

v0.18 (Large Update)

Planned Content:

  • Debra’s full combat sex scene & companion implementation. (Whichever Zombie types weren't given Combat Sex Scenes with her in v0.10)
  • Debra’s side quest. (Investigate the Sheriff's Station & her house). 2 new interiors. Unlock a new firearm. Encounter a unique boss with a sex scene featuring Tiffany & Debra.
  • A Sex Scene with Debra & Big Barney.
  • Dr. Milburn’s quest to impregnate & imprison Debra.
  • Perhaps something else just so that the all the other girls don't get too bored :P

^That's right, it's Debra's time to shine!

I will probably do this from time to time when I fully add new girls as full companions. I liked the idea of a version that focused on one character and Debra made the most sense seeing as she's already immune and already partially implemented as a follower. Not to mention I've already planned out a lot of her content with Serrated already and it pretty much all happened to line up with what I wanted to do around this time after getting back to the south side of town.

Each companion girl will get at least one unique side quest, to be completed while following Tiffany, that has a bunch of fun stuff in it. (The Vanessa and Hitomi house fetch quests were not their side quests. I'm talking about proper side quests here.)

Will this version wrap up all of Debra's content? No, there's still plenty more to come, for all the girls, but especially the companion girls.

Confirmed companion girls:

  • Ali
  • Debra
  • Hitomi (not necessarily to be added in this order.)
  • Vanessa (not necessarily to be added in this order.)
  • Lara (not necessarily to be added in this order.)
  • An unannounced member of Ali's group (not really confirmed then is it :P)
  • Officer Juggs (ACT 2)

Who else becomes a companion girl will depend on who patrons want to see when I get there. Not every girl will get this much content, only the companion girls who Tiffany can take with her on her sexy escapades. ;) Although, every female character in the game is planned to have a full pregnancy cycle.

v0.19 - v0.21 (Short-Medium Updates)

Planned Content:

  • Content to be voted on by supporters.
  • End of Day 4
  • First possible birth scene for Tiffany (Either Robert or Dr. Milburn's child)
  • Perhaps a new craft-able outfit for Tiffany if time permits.
  • Implement Groping Attacks and Sex Moves in Combat if time permits.
  • Start of Day 5

Yes, it might seem a little lazy, but this is something I've wanted to do do for a long time. At least 1-3 versions with content primarily voted on by supporters. I'll still be curating and in control of course. It will be similar to the first couple of versions where I gave supporters a large list of things to vote on and the top few got added. It will be similar to that. And these will take about 1 month of time to develop each. This will be my chance to take a break from all of the planned story content and see what people want to see the most and add it! (To the best of my ability and within the confounds of my world/story.)

And of course the first chance for Tiffany to finally give birth. Still not sure how I'll handle that just yet, but it should be coming around here...

Yet again, just keep in mind that this is an stupidly ambitious game and I'm planning for a lot of content spanning and many in-game 'weeks' and 2 'ACTS' (these plans cover up to around the afternoon of day 4). So if you don't see much of your favorite fetish, it's probably coming in spades, just a bit later down the track :) It's also entirely possible that I'm being sneaky and intentionally leaving out parts of my plans for these versions on purpose for spoiler reasons!!! >:D



Looking good sir.


Looks incredible.

Jack Marz

Will the beast patch still be something we need to download separately with future version or can we just have the option to enable/disable by default