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Hey everyone, 

Hope you all had a chance to enjoy a holiday break alongside the new content in v0.09. I'm not back to work just yet, but I've got a couple of polls to get out before the end of the month on topics I'd appreciate some feedback on. Starting with this. As you might recall, the original plan was to make a Christmas special, like I have done in previous years. Thanks to the previous 2 rounds of voting, it would be Kiana x Sydney & Dr. Sonya + Andre x Debra & Mayor Fresendo

Only thing is, since I ended up taking so long with v0.09, I totally missed the appropriate  window for a series of special Christmas images. Now that I won't be getting to these bonus images until early January, is it still worth sticking with the Xmas theme? It perhaps doesn't matter to most. Or, should we ditch it, and choose a new theme instead? Same characters and pairings of course.

If so, people would need to suggest alternative themes for the set in the comments down below. So let me know, do we Keep the Xmas Theme? Or Use a New Theme instead?


~ Jim



I'd recommend either New Years or Valentine's Day.


New Years could work.


I suppose my thing with "New Years" is what about that celebration is all that different from the Xmas theme I guess? Just a regular party instead?


Just a celebration with the year being mentioned. Some people doll up for it. Or... you could make it Chinese Zodiac themed?


If its going to take a bit could do a vday situation with cum inflation and alot of fun. ;3


Make sure they get knocked up its all I ask


Yeah but it doesn't stop artists from using the Zodiac theme early. By the by, it'll be the Year of the Ox in 2021.


Thats the gift that keeps on giving breed those sluts I hope the mayors ready for that black cum


I wanna see some more anal pounding, it is all I care about. Andre and Mayor anal sex.


Honestly, I wouldnt mind an officer juggs and Sydney strap on fuck tiffany for a new years xD


Well, I'm not going to be changing the characters that were voted on. :)


Where can I see the christmas theme?


It'll be something similar to what I did last year, with a few more images and some different characters: https://www.patreon.com/posts/christmas-2019-32607722 https://www.patreon.com/posts/new-year-2019-up-32744474