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This post is just for the poll. See this post for the context and the discussion.





In a world where everything is going to hell pretty quickly I think all the male and futa characters are looking to leave their legacy no matter how.


I agree with what Grease_Factory says. I think the males (and futas now) of this world want to have heirs by all means. And the creation and the development of "Fertile Womb Industry" could be explain by a global issue with the fertility (low sperm quality, little number of hyper-fertile woman, etc).


I already have a lot of backstory surrounding FWI planed including the reasons for it’s existence (which will be made clearer via the main plot eventually), although you are right, and it could also be partially due to this being a relevant global issue (or at least nationwide). Rather than low fertility, I was thinking more along the lines of dramatically lowered birth rates. Something similar to what we are seeing in the west IRL, but much more drastic and obviously a few more generations down the line. To the point where the population is in need of another baby boomer type generation to kickstart things. But it could be a mix of the two.


I'm just gonna put it out there for both female and male mindsets. They all just want to fuck, but some are picky with their partner. Also that futas are the ideal partner for both male and females. One, because they sexy as all hell. Two, they can go either way with out triggering the "gay/lesbian" stigma of the world that's so set on impregnation. And finally, they have both so they know how to pleasure both. In my thought process, true futas have a dick and vagina with the more dominate ones having balls as well. Having just tits and a dick, in my opinion, just makes you a tran/shemale.


Sure. And on that note, I think I've got a good way to make sure futa characters can have both balls and vagina in their model. Still need to try it out in theory though. But again, while there will be a bunch more futa characters, it's not really my primary focus.

Timothy Guns

What i'm wondering about this is, are we only talking about the human males or all the males(zombies and animals included)? Cause after just finishing the alpha and making Tiffany only get used by futas and zombies, i had no impregnation happen (even took 3 pills that increased the chance) I would definitely like to see her be impregnated by the creatures and zombies though. I'll refrain from casting my vote for now as to not mess up the final result. Great game btw, i'm not big on the bimbo thing but the game is fun enough that it got me to support and like Tiffany.


Thanks, I appreciate it and am happy to hear you’re enjoying things so far. This is just talking about the living male human characters. The zombies and creatures already have sex for the purpose of “mating” anyway. As of now, zombie sperm is dead, and beast sperm is not compatible (like IRL), this will change as a part of the main story towards the end of ACT 1 though. So yes, after a certain point, everything with a penis will be able to impregnate the girls.

Timothy Guns

Btw is there going to be a way so that when you press submit from the skill menu that it goes straight to the scene instead of having to see her get knocked down firs?