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Hello everyone,

Thanks to everyone who voted in the poll. I chose to stick with just the top 3 because of the obvious leads and to keep things from getting too out of hand with this simple, fun project. I will be posting the next 2 parts as I complete them over the next couple of days (All up, there should be 7 images in total) Wrote a bit of dialogue to go along with it for those interested:

Image 1

Tiffany: "Wow Chief, isn’t this great? I can’t even remember the last time the two of us worked a case together?"
Juggs: "Well, you can thank Pilato for that. It’s unlike him not to show. He’s usually so reliable…" 
Tiffany: "Knowing Terry, something extremely urgent must have come up. I’m sure we’ll be hearing a perfectly reasonable explanation any minute now." 

Image 2

Juggs: "Yes. In any case, stay vigilant Officer Neil. We don’t know what we’re responding to here. The dispatch operator was unable to get a proper grasp of the situation before the emergency call was cut."
Tiffany: "I mean, at this time of year? Probably just some folks getting a bit too festive with their egg-hunts, right?"
Juggs: "Perhaps. But I can’t help shake this nasty feeling… What’s with the look by the way? Did you get your hair done or something? I just noticed you seem… Changed?"
Tiffany: "Oh, funny story that. You see, I was investigating this cas-"  

Image 3

Tiffany: "W-What the fuck!?"

<- To be continued... 

Thanks for the support! I hope you're all staying safe and had an enjoyable enough weekend experience all things considered. More soon. 

~ Jim




A very very promising start =D Any chance there is some sort of superjacked monster alpha bunny down there as well, watching from the shadows for his time to shine? :P


Nice :)


Could the dialouge be added in at a later time?


God this looks promising :D


Yeah, I could letter it like a comic. I just didn't want to spend the extra time on it right now and just wanted to focus on the image, without worrying about how to make text fit. But I suppose I can later.