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Hey guys, I wanted to do this earlier but forgot about it until writing my updated roadmap post.

So after taking into account the final results of the 5 proportions polls:

I came up with Tiffany's new body that she'll receive at the end of v0.07's story content. It seems like a very good design, and I'm quite happy with it, along with most of the $10 patrons it seems, but it's important to me to make sure you guys in the $5 tier also get to have a say on it, since it is the main character and I want make sure one last time that people are in favor of this increase to Tiffany's proportions as a part of the upcoming story.

So this is simply a final courtesy poll to make sure the right decision is being made here and that the majority of patrons are on board. So it's just a simple question as to whether you prefer the current body or the new proportions better.

Which proportions do you prefer?

Thanks for your continued support guys. More polls will be coming soon.

~ Jim




I'm pretty sure I know what the results are going to be. This is just to be sure since I appreciate that it's potentially a big change for some people.


Also, I attached the 2 comparison images to the post so you can download them for yourself.


I like the current one on her body proportions, but I like her longer hair in the new one.


That's fair enough. I know I can't please everyone, hopefully the addition of lots of new girls of various sizes added in future versions will help appease those who preferred Tiffany's current size.


Can't wait for the new Tiffany =D But it is impossible to please everyone, I agree wholeheartedly! I, for example, think her hips are just a BIT too wide. But I'd rather get fucked by the futa zombie than not go for the bigger tits!!


Thanks! Well, she needs the extra wide hips for all the child bearing she'll be doing from this point on ;)


The answer to pleasing both sides at once is obvious: a Tiffany clone! Or even clones!


Out of curiosity, which lip size did you end up going with for her new body?


Hmmmm... That's not a terrible idea... But obviously will have to be something I do way later haha. It would take too much time right now, I'll make a note of it though for later...


Well, I really love Tiffany's current body, but I am a boob man so... her new body please! BIGGER BOOBS YEAH!


if i download the game of here do i get to see the beat patch or do i have to download that patch seperatly


It always has to be downloaded separately as I can’t post it here. I can try to help you install it though if you’re still having trouble with it after following the picture instructions on the blog. Just send me a message.


where is gorgias the brother cause im prego mission


Where is George? Go behind the place where you found Vanessa at the start of the game. That path is open on day 2.