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Hey guys, sorry for the silence but I wanted to be pretty damn sure about my release before I gave an eta. Over the past 12 days I've only gotten about 4-5 days worth of work done so the wait's been shittier than expected and I'm sorry about that.

I too am ready to move on at this point. I will 100% start working on v0.06 on the 15th so I will be done with v0.05 no matter what by then. This is different from 2 weeks ago when I was releasing the alpha. As of the typing of this post, all of the remaining renders are done, and over half are edited. I will finish those up and implement the scenes today and polish the game tomorrow before release. I would say 24 hours, but I'm saying 48 just to be safe and to make sure I don't miss it yet again.

I'm sure I'll still have to push one or two very minor things back till a future version, but I just can't sit on this version any longer or it will cut too deeply into v0.06's dev time. I'll update this post as I get closer to the full release.

Thanks for your extreme patience and support. You'll be getting bombarded with regular polls and posts again soon come the 15th. Plus I've found someone who can help out a bit with v0.06 to help avoid these issues in the future.

~ Jim



We want porn! We want porn! Go Jim Go! Go Jim Go! 😆


Just an FYI, It just started storming here, and I've had my PC power off twice in the last 10 minutes. I assume it's the surge protector doing it's thing. I haven't lost any progress, It's all backed up, but it could make things more complicated... Hoping the worst of it is over and it will stay out of my way. :(


Storms past, but I'm just getting back to work now. I'm not really going to blame nature for this, I should have had it out before it got this late in the day anyway.


Nice to hear....some question: where is the Link for the discord? Thx

Clayton K.C Behrens

Dude, that storm was no joke it wreaked havoc where I live.


<a href="https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-receive-my-Discord-role-">https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-receive-my-Discord-role-</a> that link should help


Any word on the release of v0.5?


testing one last thing, then I'll export and upload.


Yay! Sorry, I've been eagerly waiting on this since I stumbled across this gem &lt;3 Keep it up!


Upload is almost done. Writing up the release post right now.