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Honestly I'm not too happy with how this turned out. In hindsight it was a dumb idea to think I'd be able to pull this off when there was so much I wanted to add. Pretty much everything is unfinished and not greatly tested. Saves made in v0.05 ALPHA won't be compatible with the v0.05 full release as I'll be making large changes to how the quests work. I recommend waiting until the full release, but hopefully some of you enjoy this. I'm sorry I failed those who were waiting. I'm going to make actual changes to how I handle releases from now on.

In brighter news, I'll take my time on the full version. But I suspect it to not take longer than a week, 5-6 days. But I should probably not eve say that and just keep working hard on it. :)


Mac OS X:




You can download patches for certain, additional content from my blog. Go to the "Terminal Desires" page where you can find a patch...




'v0.05 ALPHA'




*Added 4 out of 8 sex scenes from v0.05.

*Added WIP versions of 2 new quests (Go see Jebadiah).

*Added a new girl - 'Debra'.

*Added Companion Framework with Debra as a test case. (Debra will get combat sex scenes in a future version (NOT v0.05 FULL RELEASE)

*Remember to download the updated 'Content Patch' from the blog.

*More Save Slots.

*Vanessa can Make Armor Repair Kits out of 3 Cloth scraps + 1 'Needle & Thread'.

*So much Missing it isn't funny. Definitely Recommend waiting until the FULL RELEASE of v0.05 - this is neither a polished nor complete experience.




Not particularly pleased with this being people's first impressions of the new content. I was very happy with what was planned in this version (and what's still to come) and it sucks that I've had to hack so much of it out to make this alpha playable "on time". The fact that it still ended up missing the deadline (making this rushed, watered down version kind of pointless) only adds insult to injury. Really kind of a bummer that this was the result of my week of hard work, not even being able to show a whole heap of what I'd been working on with the renders. Not that it's that big of deal. It'll be fixed up in a week or so. I just really need to change the way I do this. I definitely need internal release dates to prevent this sort of thing from constantly happening. It wasn't funny the first time. And it certainly isn't the 5th time. Some of you guys might not mind so much, but I want to be better than this. That being said, while everything is kinda broken. Let me know if you find something totally game breaking. If it's really bad, I'll make a patch for it asap.


How to solve part of the farm


Which part do you mean? The jebediah/Tiffany scene and one of the stallion scenes aren’t implemented yet.


Alpha seems good so far. Also, I really can't wait(I mean, I can) for the future, when you put in other types of pregnancies. Also, if you want someone to proofread some of the text for the scenes(for free, I might add), I would do it for ya. Mostly because as much as I love the game, I'm one of those people that get really angry at spelling errors. I know, dick move on my part, but if you ever want someone to help with that, I'd like to do it. There'd be no alterations to your vision, just, spelling corrections. Because I'm a huge fuckin' dick. Also, for "game breaking" bugs, or rather, it doesn't break the game so much, just, looks weird, is when you get the shotgun after being confirmed as pregnant with Robert's child. When you go into the building, you're basically able to walk into the walls on the right side of the building.


Yes, sorry about the spelling errors, I know there's bound to be more than a few. I didn't have time to add all of the scripted dialogue so a lot of it I was rewriting on the fly to be shorter so it wouldn't take as long to add. I will do a spellcheck on everything before v0.05's full release.


hey dude is the dr milbourne and vanessa impregnation scene in 0.5 or later on?


I like the "introduction" of Debra. Well done. :)


How is the full version doimg m8?


Hi, unfortunately it's going to take a bit longer. I'm really going to avoid dates and ETAs until I know 100%. I haven't had much time to work on things tbh, I had last week off from work to get things done, but the same is not the case now(worked a 9 hour day yesterday ). Not to mention I've had to move my physical setup since this morning I'm having proper cooling installed in my work room (Scheduled when I originally I was going to be done and figured it wasn't going to get in the way) which is great, except I can't work until they leave since thy need to disconnect the power for a bit and be walking around. At this point I'm most concerned with making sure the release is up to my standards rather than having a repeat of the same rushed release. I'll post more info on my plans later today or tomorrow with an update.