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Hey guys, a "weekly" progress update will be coming soon for v0.05, and the new OIL page for $10 patrons. Just been busier with work than I expected. I've been averaging 1 render per day since I got back from my interstate trip, but I'll have more time this coming week to focus on v0.05 scenes. I just wanted to get this post out to thank you guys for helping me reach this goal, and to talk about the associated reward.

Alright, thanks to all my patrons generous support, I've hit the $1500 goal and will be able to start purchasing parts for a new PC to help increase the number of renders I can do for each update. This will at the very least, double my output, which is great. I do want to build something that has high specs though so I'll be getting parts over the next few months. Also, I need to change my physical setup to accommodate a second PC and fix the cooling situation in my work room so that the walls don't melt with the added heat... but we'll get there thanks to you guys.

I haven't thought of another goal right now. I'm still trying to fufil the ones I've already met, so I might just leave it open for a while, at least until v0.05 comes out.

Now, to talk about the associated reward for reaching this goal:

"All Patrons will get the chance to suggest an idea for a quest or an encounter (for Tiffany or one of the other girls) that will be voted on with the winning idea being added to the game."

So, how will this work? I will be accepting written submissions for the next 3 weeks, then there will be a round of voting next month. All Patrons will get the opportunity to participate if they choose. The winning quest/encounter will be added at some point in the future (around v0.08-v0.09) from day 3 on-wards.

Your submission can be something as simple as an encounter with a single sex scene or a whole new branching side-quest to complete. There's a limit to how complex things can be, and it's going to be impossible to set rules to counter everything, so just keep in mind that the longer and more complex the ideas are, the less likley they'll be approved without some cuts or edits.


  • You will still be playing as Tiffany (even if she's not involved in any sex scenes)
  • You can't use any dead characters (like Robert)
  • You can't make any changes to the character's bodies (Like making Tiffany a futa or something)
  • Tiffany will be wearing her existing pink bikini outfit (Unless it's a farm event and you want her to use the new farm outfit)
  • No scat, guro, gore, male-on-male or minors.
  • You can't use characters that are confirmed but planned to appear later (Ali or Lara)
  • You can't use Sirus, Dr. Slater, or Terry.
  • You can use Sydney, but she has an important role to play later and thus cannot be defeated in a quest/encounter here.
  • Only Immune characters can have sex with the Infected (Tiffany and Sydney are confirmed immune) since the other characters are still needed for the future story.
  • It is only day 3 so Tiffany can't give birth yet.
  • The quest MUST take place during the course of a single day, during the day-time.

  • You CAN introduce an entirely new character/enemy (Human, Zombie or Beast, but I'll need to approve it)
  • You CAN introduce a new building/area and/or item(s) (But I'll need to approve it)
  • The Quest/Encounter CAN be linear or branching with different outcomes.
  • There can be a MAXIMUM of 2 sex scenes in your submission.
  • Be reasonable! (Tiffany cannot fuck 17 zombies at the same time...)
  • The Quest/Encounter MUST fit within the lore/setting of the game (I will help with/confirm this).
  • Your Submission MUST include all necessary details including any dialogue, any dialogue options, any enemies, any items needed, the different stages/objectives of the quest (if it's a quest), the location(s), the sex-poses, etc. The more details and vivid descriptions the better it will be for me to understand.
  • Your Submission MUST be in English.

Send your written, suggested quest/encounter as an email attachment to: jimjim3dx@gmail.com

I'll read all the submissions over, if there's something wrong, or something that need clarification I'll email you back. Any suggestions that are possible and don't conflict with any current stories/plans will be added to a poll the following month to be voted on by everyone. You can choose to remain anonymous in your submission if you want, just let me know in the email.

If you have any questions regarding the rules/your submission idea, feel free to ask in the comments below. You have at least 3 weeks so there's no need to rush your submission. It's better to have too many details that not enough.

Thanks for you support and patience. New updates coming soon. Can't wait to see what you guys come up with.

~ Jim



This sounds like a fun idea for your creative patrons! Excited to see with what they will come up. Just another question regarding Tiffany´ s pregnancy again. How long is she going to pregnant? I forgot and am a bit too lazy to read up on your old posts :p


3 day pregnancy cycle. But I'll make it customizable in later versions I think. So first possible birth scene will be at the end of day 4.


I would like to see everyone's ideas. It's hard for me to write in English, but I'll try


So long as I can understand what your idea is. I can fix or edit the dialogue myself if the English is broken.


Hi Jim! Have you received my letter from copy_ypoc@...?


Yes, I received it. I'll be going through submissions soon and responding to those who just sent theirs in. I got a lot during the last 24 hours.