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Hey guys,

My interstate trip was a lot busier than expected and I had some other things to take care of when I got home, but I'm back to work on v0.05 now and I've started rendering more images for this set. So I thought I'd post this one as a little teaser.

I'm going to do some work on the game itself over the next couple of days and post a weekly update for everyone with some more images.

The next OIL page will be out for you guys sometime tomorrow hopefully.

Thanks for your support and patience, especially in helping me reach my $1500 goal. You guys are amazing. I'll start acquiring parts for a new PC for rendering next month. I'll need to think up how best to inter-grate the other reward and think of some reasonable future goals + rewards that don't get in the way of development. Anyway, things should be back to normal now. More posts and polls coming soon.

~ Jim




Loving her new outfit! Oh, btw, congrats on reaching yet another goal!


He's grabbing her ass! He is lucky that farm doesn't have a HR division!


I’m sure if it had a HR team, they’d be all over that ass as well ;)


oh man love the sneak peak dude u showed something but not to much either i wouldnt mind if the rest gonna be like that cuz i think sometimes u show to much but thats just my opinion


Yeah, I struggle with it. Don't want to show too much on the one hand. But don't want to leave everyone hanging for too long either.