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Hey guys,

So, the Zombie Horse won the third enemy poll. This is exciting since I'm keen to start implementing the beast content into the game, but also not without it's issues. Patreon doesn't allow beast content to be posted here. So I'm not going to be able to share any of the images/previews featuring any of the beast characters here. And likewise, I don't think you guys will have much luck posting links to any sex poses featuring beast content here either.

What this means is that we'll have to use the discord server for sharing any pictures of anything beast content related. So if you're not on there yet, now's the time! It's time to post your suggestions for the defeat/submit sex scene featuring the Zombie Horse in the Special Forces Channel.

I still need to design it. But it's basically going to be a regular looking horse with the infected, yellow eyes and some more infected skin. Probably a black horse. I'll post images on the "Special Forces" Discord Channel once I have created its design in a few days so you guys can provide feedback.

But for now, head over to that Channel, and start sharing any image links/references to poses (or descriptions) that could work for the scene. We'll have a poll back here on Patreon next week to vote on which pose gets used. And also to decide on the proportions of it's member, but it's safe to assume it will be big! :)

If you haven't connected to the discord server yet ad are having trouble, connecting your accounts, this might be useful: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-receive-my-Discord-role-

Thanks for your support.

~ Jim



i think not posting its a great idea at least in my opinion i dont want any spoilers :D


Well, that'll be easy then. Just say off that discord channel and be surprised :) Though you'll probably still want to suggest a pose and vote on the polls still :)


I'll go to the discord server as well but for a pose I would suggest a very simple/basic doggystyle^^ I think that for horses this pose just looks the best. I'll post something on discord later as well ;) and I was wondering one thing: Could u make penises a bit more veiny? like... in order to get those monster bats erect there has to be a lot of blood pumping through them... right?^^