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Hey guys, sorry for any delays. Had a couple busy days at work so things were slow here with my progress, updates, posts etc. But I've got a number of days off now. I'll be doing a weekly update in a day or so, and a sneak peak for Special Forces Patrons from one of the scenes.

Right now though, since the results from this poll indicate that the majority would like to see one of my existing girls make a crossover as this new character, I'm giving you guys a day or so to suggest which girls you'd like like to see. I'll add those suggested in the comments to the poll (along with my own choices) and then you guys can vote on them.

Remember the majority of the girls available can be found on this list here.

Although it's not 100% up-to-date. If you recall girls from other works I've posted feel free to ask about them in the comments. Some of the girls are a bit too old to use properly in this project, but most of them should be fine, or I can upgrade their models if they are really popular.

Anyway, I can't spend a lot of time waiting so I'll probably have this discussion going for around a day or so. I'll include any girls already mentioned on the previous poll's comments, and discord server, but to be safe mention them here again.

There will be a further poll to vote on changing the winning girl's proportions. So feel free to choose a girl who you like the look of, even if you don't like their breast and ass proportions. Because they can be changed to bring them more in line with the other TD girls "stats". :)

Thanks for your support!




My vote goes to the irrepressible Sydney.


April... I like red heads




I like jeniffer, you should change the porpociones of her tits and ass for the game. tanya I like I love lara Sidney I like it too Kaleisha (37 years old) I would like to see her attacked by zombies and choose to help her or not


Sidney with a bigger ass and thighs and perfect!


Are you aware of how big her ass and thighs already are O.o? <a href="https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-SqYsp0R-yNs/VUT4FNCb_BI/AAAAAAAAAgA/ACoqnM6vWy4/s1600/10.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-SqYsp0R-yNs/VUT4FNCb_BI/AAAAAAAAAgA/ACoqnM6vWy4/s1600/10.png</a>


I'll be changing the proportions of the winning girl if people vote on it.


As I said below the poll, I´ d love to see either Lara, Heather or Sydney!


Diana, with bigger tits, or Sydney a bit more muscular, or Lara maybe... Good luck with it!

Vito Scorcesse

Phoebe and Lara for the win.


Sidney all the way ;) And... if I'm not mistaken she is quite short, isn't she? So that could be a fun contrast =)


Kali Please!

Ari Korpela

Jennifer, Lara, Phoebe and Ridori on the list plz! ;D

Ari Korpela

Maybe i recommended too many girls at the same time i dunno if it was 1 girl per customer haha!