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You guys are amazing! I didn't even have a chance to properly think of a reward for reaching $250. So as thanks, what I'll do is also add the enemy with the second highest votes into the game (Probably in v0.04)

So if that changes the way you vote (since it's now the top 2 that will make it in) then make sure to update your votes in the poll here.

Thanks! More updates coming soon. I am in the boring stage at the moment where's there's not much to show off visually. I'm planning out the story for v0.02 and currently creating the pharmacy environment in Daz Studio (my render program) so I can make the renders for the 'Infected Robert' boss fight and sex scenes. Once it's finished, I'll start my renders and post some previews in a day or so.

More polls and discussions are also coming soon for those who want to provide their feedback :)

Thanks again,




Sounds like a plan^^ Maybe you'll think of somthing along the way. Would be kinda cool if 2 monsters shared the 2nd place... cause then it would be three monsters in the update. Now I am not trying to put ideas in anyones head; I am just pointing out that the top 3 are very close at the moment and if 2 monsters tie for the 2nd place there is no 3rd place ipso facto there are two number 2 slots... just saying my dear friends... just saing =)


Really glad to see your patreon being such a success! Can´ t wait for your future updates and WIPs soon!

Ari Korpela

Hello there! Im a huge fan of this game,but Ive got 2 questions id like to ask out of curiosity:D Will other characters be able to become pregnant in the game too?(in the future updates) And will other characters be able to join in Tiffanys party at some point or will she be a "solo" heroine? Anyway thumbs up for making this gem of a game!


Hi, glad you like the game so far. The answer to both your questions is absolutely! In fact both of those things will be options in v0.02 to some extent. If you save Vanessa (kill the zombies yourself) the there will be an option in v0.02 to take Vanessa with you to the pharmacy, but she has no weapon so she won’t help in combat in this version. Later you will be able to do a character quest to get her a weapon, after that she can fight with Tiffany. And without giving too much spoilers, the new nurse character has the chance to be impregnated depending on Tiffany’s choices...

Ari Korpela

O_O That sounds awesome! Thank you for replying back to me so fast, apreciate it!


I hope there will be an option to have Vanessa join you even when she killed the zombies.


Yes, if Vanessa kills the zombies she won’t entrust her safety to Tiffany right away. But later, there will still be the character quest to bring her a weapon. When you complete that she’ll feel safe enough and will follow you.

Ari Korpela

Hello again! Im sorry to bother you with more questions about the game, but i like to know these things before it becomes too late to recommend them later on XD Firstly will we be able to vote on certain characters if they are naturally immune to the zombie virus, and if not will there be an option to make an serum for one or two people making them immune? And lastly if you partner up with someone and you lose battles to zombies can they become "corrupted and turn into sluts like Tiffany" if they see you have sex with zombies or other people? Sorry again for wasting your time:D


Don't worry man. Nobody here is "wasting my time". Not only are you guys supporting this project financially, but you're motivating me with all the interest you guys are taking in the project. It's good to know people are interested in your work, so don't ever feel bad for asking questions. I intend for the game's story to focus primarily on Tiffany and the men, monsters and creatures that surround her. Some female Characters like Ali are very important to the story. Others, like Vanessa are less so. That being said, the game is still incredibly early on and there's so much I want to do with it that anything is possible. Maybe I will make it a plot point that they create a serum to make other women immune. Then you could protect the other female characters you want. It's a good idea. But something to think about later. As for voting on immunity, probably not. I might steal the serum idea, lol. But for much later down the track. As for your third question, yes that will be possible eventually but I'm not sure when at this stage. I will make a poll in a couple of days for $5+ patrons to discuss what aspects of the game they'd like to focus on in v0.03. That will help me decide what to do next month.

Ari Korpela

OK that sounds great! Good to know im recommending something useful haha! Thanks for feedback as always:D