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Alright guys, I decided I'd just turn this into a poll to get more solid results. I want to start working on the character model soon so she will be ready for renders. I took the current suggestions from the Nurse Design Discussion, and put them into this poll. Don't worry, there will be opportunities to suggest other character designs in the future.

This is just to determine the type of character I will create. $10 Patrons will then get to vote on her proportions and outfit.

What do you want the female nurse character to look like?



I am working on the Infected Robert Boss fight, and setting up the set piece for the sex scene renders. I will post an update with pictures in the next couple of days. 3 of the other polls will be ending by then so make sure you vote in those ones if you haven’t already: $5: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/v0-02-extra-21776880">https://www.patreon.com/posts/v0-02-extra-21776880</a> $10: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/dr-adrian-poll-1-21812565">https://www.patreon.com/posts/dr-adrian-poll-1-21812565</a> $10: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/dr-adrian-poll-2-21812781">https://www.patreon.com/posts/dr-adrian-poll-2-21812781</a>


Dude! That decision is waaaayyyy too hard! Hmm..... I love me some hitomi... but some white haired chick is also nice.... damnit...


But on a different note: what are you planning for her outfit? So the nurse outfit? This is just my opinion but I think that Tiffany would look reaaaally nice in a skimpy, sexy, and at certain points in the game even torn police uniform^^ You think we could get one at some point? (I kind of think it looks sexy when a woman is not entirely naked for the sex but still has some clothes on^^)


For the nurse, I will do a couple of different outfits for her, then $10 patrons will get to chose which one they like the best. As much as I also love keeping some clothes on during sex scenes, with the AP stripping system and the potential addition of more outfits in the future, the sex scenes need to pretty much all be when Tiffany is naked, especially since I will already be doing lots of variations for when she is at different stages of pregnancy (for future days) and different facial expressions for her attractions. I simply don't have the time to do 20 different versions of the same scene. As much as I'd like to. But yeah, more outfits for Tiffany is something I'd like to do, or simply more armor pieces that you can unlock for the current outfit, like gloves, skirt, shoulder pads and leg armor, etc. But that's more for gameplay purposes. So she has a better chance of resisting against tougher enemies.