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Bailey's reference sheet for Predators. She's one of the three main characters; I'm still sort of fleshing out the other two, but will post their sheets here too shortly! 

Bailey's shifted over time more recently to a brown/grizzly bear than her original sun bear design, which I'm honestly happy about. She's the older, tougher, seasoned hunter/explorer of her tribe in the comic, sometimes teased and brushing shoulders with the others, both young and old. I imagine she's around 30 or so, and is rather tall-ish, probably about 6'0"/182cm. 

Some of you know about and seen the work on the other characters so far, and I think there's a good span of shapes and sizes between the three. Will keep posting stuff! This may tweak and change a little still, so I'll hold off on HD versions but slightly larger ones will be in the ZIPs for April.



Big Tony

I'm so excited for this!

Zephy Foxy

Cute chubby bear~ I love her hehe

Andres Campos

Isn't predators that comic with the gazelle with the hot cheetah?


<3 Bailey


Ah, No body piercings then?


What's this? No puns in the comments? Its like you're bearly even trying ;(


Damn, she looks even better every time you draw her! Can't wait to see her role in the story!


She'll have a bone-type earring but that's about all, I didn't want to overcomplicate it for comic purposes mostly.


I'm so excited for the comic!!! Bailey looks amazing!


Oh this is going to be good, can't wait!!!


Love the fishing spear between her legs with her looking back. It really projects a sexy, provocative, horny sense about her. :D Also, dat boob hug!


AAcckkk this bear is so cute X3!!


Hehe, big ladies need love too ^^


Nice, I'm looking forward to seeing more of her :D