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So a number of you know I'm always trying to balance value between the tiers and throwing ideas round a bit. At the moment I think $1 and 5$ are good and in-line with similar Patreons, perhaps 10$ as well, but 25$ moreso, just might need something more than bonuses that only turn up once in a while. But I'm not opposed to making something that's available for everyone.

I just want to hear some thoughts or feedback on the ideas, none are set in stone. This is just tossing around/sharing ideas mode! Nothing's changed yet.

1: Patron-only streams/Tier streams?

I did one earlier this month for 10$+ patrons. Was just a simple drawing stream, just to try it out and see how it went. I didn't want to deal with a high-activity chat at the time, so I figured it could kill two birds one stone: give 10$+ patrons another bonus, and let me have an easier chat to deal with. Normally I don't have a problem with my chat. I just wasn't in a very social type mood, or awake enough.

So the first question is how do you guys feel about private streams?

Whether it's Patron-only in general, or of a specific tier. It's a very common reward I've seen other artists distribute to 10$+ tiers and such, but that doesn't mean it's a well-liked one. Some people I'm sure feel cut off or divided by the idea, but at the same time, I can't please everyone. So if people on the whole think that's a good reward to add, I can, either to all Patrons, or a certain tier.

2: Comic direction

This is one I'd thought about for a while, especially in my next comic for Predators. There are a lot of ideas, too many, to draw all of. So the idea would be to progress a comic to a certain point, say right before sexy stuff, and then query 10$ or 25$ tiers about which direction to take it. It wouldn't be every page, and wouldn't be enough to alter my plan for the general flow and story. But things like offering a choice between A, B or C to happen next, or, these two characters are going to fuck, what should they start with, character A going down on B,  or B exerting their dominance and topping A?

Stuff like that.

That also seems to be a good two-birds-one-stone thing for me since I'm very indecisive about what to show or do next at times, and this can be a good additional vote, or bonus for the higher tiers to help me decide and move things along. You'll get a good comic either way, no matter what's picked and no matter what tier you are, but I think keeping this to a higher tier would give incentive or a good bonus to it without impeding on other tiers.

Anyway, I don't want to toss up too many ideas at once, but these were the two more immediate ones in my head that i feel could be added without creating additional work, given I'm slow enough as it is... Let me know what you all think! It helps!


Darth Satais

I think both ideas are good the stream can 10$ + and the comic direction can be for 25$ tiers to make a little more appealing for others to join that tier.

Stoker Bramwell

If you have a really good laser printer and nice photo paper, you could do monthly prints. Rick Griffin does that and it seems like it works well for him. A "choose your own adventure" comic might be fun as well


comic direction ideas, would be fitting for 25+ tiers, mostly because I like your Ideas more... too many cooks etc.

Mira Inhara

I suggested it a while back, but I would really like a boost to the monthly pin-up voting for higher tiers. I'm not saying that like, a 25 dollar patron should get to pile 25 votes on a single character, but let us spread 25 votes out (five maximum per character).


Although I was only popping in every so often for the patron stream you did, I did like how it felt a lot more focused around what was being drawn at the moment, at least compared to the somewhat more chaotic nature of the request streams. The comic direction thing sounds like a pretty cool idea for higher tiers, just as long as this is something you would be ok with doing! I'd say it's worth trying out for a bit, at least.


I .. really don't think you should have the stories written by vote, it should be YOUR talent and not the wants of others. I mean yea, you wanna please your patreons, I mean, I didn't care one bit about the sex part of that last comic in the slightest, Nor do I like baileys design enough to want to see her having sex, but I'm still here aren't I? I still like the fact that they are YOUR stories and it should still be about how THEIR personalities would be, not decided by others.


I really like the comic direction idea and wouldn't be opposed to some patreon only streams. You gotta be careful where you place that in the tiers though, I've seen some backlash in similar situations from people IN the tier, not just outside of it. They can feel cheated if they pay for the month and then totally miss the stream/s. Then you can get into the issue of scheduling it... It can get funky lol


In my opinion, both ideas look great. I feel like the comic idea could work like how the pinup works, meaning 10$+ tier could get 1 vote, and the 25$+ tier could get 2/3 votes. It would be nice if you also suggested which one you would choose, since I've always like the decisions you make in the comics. In terms of the tier only streams, it seems like a nice idea, however some people might feel a bit cheated if they miss it, but I feel like the majority won't. And they can always looks at the stream recording, or you could possibly send out a download of the stream.


I'd say having at least these Patron streams be archived as a downloadable video (in addition to Picarto's archives) would be highly desirable if possible, though I'd imagine that would start taking up a lot of drive space.


Going off of what Joshua said, part of the reason why I like your art so much is because you draw really well and you do it with a particular theme in mind. I think I recall what you said in a stream is that you draw what interests you and what you felt was lacking in the furry/anthro community / fandom that other artists weren't doing. I agree, that's partly why I am drawn to and started supporting you through patreon to begin with. Streams are one thing, but with comics, it should be you telling the "story", not doing what other people want through a vote, unless of course you would offer us choices that you are comfortable with doing from which we choose from, but even then I feel like fans would be disappointed with the end result. However, the last thing that I want to see is a bunch of votes going into diaper fetishes, or something extremely niche, that I feel doesn't belong in your art. With that said, I do think it's important to be relevant. For example, in the last Predators comic you had a multitude of different scenes and kinks, be that memes, femdom, x-ray shots, etc. you were relevant without it being jarring or out of place. And besides, something tells me that those scenes were stuff you were interested in drawing in the first place. Still, your audience seemed to like it and accept it for what it was. it seemed natural, and I argue that's what helped contribute to its popularity. As Joshua said, they are YOUR stories and it should be about THEIR personalities given the world they are in.

Kraton Haddock

I like and support both ideas! Even though neither would really benefit me in any way ($5 tier, and rarely have time for streams, sadly). The few times I do get to see a stream I greatly enjoy the live time with you and other friends and fans of your work, both for getting to see the art and thought process of your work, and getting to chat with you. For what it's worth though, I can see myself upping my patronage to $10 a month if I see the comic ideas thing being something I'd like to take part of, but it would depend on very specific variables being true. First off, it'd have to be a comic I actually want some part of the decisions made in (most comics of yours I enjoy 100% regardless of what you do with it, so I wouldn't care to vote, but if there were one where I'd really like to see something happen, say "person A fucking person B has grown feelings for person B, should they speak now, speak later, or hide their feelings?" or something pivotal like that! small things like "does A blow B, B blow A, or the two blow each other?" I wouldn't care really. it's all good. XD). Secondly it'd have to be something where the options are all generally "good for the story" where the votes are all more or less even, where there isn't much of a bias in those voting towards one choice or another. I'd hate to be the only one wanting to vote choice C (where choice C feels like the more story-driven choice that can turn things in an unexpected direction or something near like that) while everyone just wants a quick "fuck event" to touch themselves to or something like that. If both those two variables were true for a story I'd be likely to jump my patronage right away to get in on the vote (assuming that was necessary. for all I know the voting could be for $5 pledges, so I'd be fine where I am), but if either of them were not true, I'd feel less inclined to bother as either A) I'd not be interested enough, or B) I'd feel like my voice went unheard or simply meant nothing.


Both seems like nice ideas but I think you should draw comics and resolve events exactly as you imagined when creating characters


Thanks for the feedback! and yes, all the actual art I make will be posted for everyone, depending. (some sooner, some higher res, etc. but all posted eventually)


Hrm. Prints are possible I suppose, though no idea how many might want them! It would take some time to print, package and mail, but thanks for the idea! I think if I did a "CYOA" type comic it'd be a standalone one, and not part of an existing story i had in mind, but also a neat idea.


Yeah, I think I can do that much at least. Maybe not 25 votes but perhaps 10, though I don't think the 5-per-limit might be needed.


TL;DR, just make more butt stuff. Joking aside, I think it'd be fine for the Patreon community to vote on what would happen in the comic from options you present.


I personally don't like the idea of patrons voting on what will happen in the comic because there's going to be ones that get shafted on the votes. Your comic. Your world. Your story. With that said I'm still fine with voting for pinups based on your Patreon Tier. I'm also opposed to the Tier only streams. Cause a lot of us can't afford more than $1 or $5 per artist. And if it's implemented in the $10+ tiers, once again, you shut out a lot of your fanbase. I support Patreon only streams for anyone who's a patron to you; but not if it's implemented in a tier based system.


I've honestly found from being a patreon of multiple artists having commissions done, or featured in comics or doodles time to time even if it's one shot was most satisfying and happiest with that. Control of a story i believe will make some happy and others upset as compared to just letting the artist take it the way he/she wanted. But that's just my 2 cents.