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(edit: wasn't portrayed very clearly how her breasts/nipples were positioned, so tweaked...nipples)

Didn't put page 2 HD up here earlier, so might as well now! Attached files.




A+ dialogue Fluff.


Two words: vertical nipples


yeeeeah, can we get an explanation of whats going on with her chest? if it's suppose to be motion, her hair or.. anything else isn't conveying it terribly well.. is it the top that's doing it? I'm confused.


A "red" princess, because of her hair, or because going down to the people/plebs is a kind of commie from her?


Since I can't and don't want to go to explain that to everyone that it looks 'off' to, I just went ahead and made an edit to the page/files, hopefully it looks a bit more accurate/correct/readable now. I'm just really stubborn with quality I guess!


Since I can't and don't want to go to explain that to everyone that it looks 'off' to, I just went ahead and made an edit to the page/files, hopefully it looks a bit more accurate/correct/readable now. I'm just really stubborn with quality I guess!


Good job Fluff, i'm finding I really enjoy the character development aspect of these :3 /thumbsup

Styx Renegade

Ahh! Styx! There he is! :3


You shouldn't keep money in your mouth, it'll cause lockjaw