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Hey! I'm not dead!

So, the 'move' part of my move has halted at about 90% complete. We've packed, shipped our things, and are in the general area of where we want to be, however...finding a location has been just as time-consuming. I had hoped to have a place squared away by now, but between availability, price, and time it takes to check out units constantly--just toured about 8 yesterday, all over town--it's been just as much work, if not more, than the 11-hour days it took of driving to get here. 

I haven't picked up a stylus to draw in about 2 weeks now...I'm worried at how rusty I'll be when I do. I can't really stop to take a breath either, cause honestly we just need a place to work out so we can stop living out of a hotel, which is both inconvenient and expensive. Fingers crossed even just a slightly suitable location comes to the table.

There's not much more to say! I'll likely keep you guys posted, it's tiring and draining, but at this rate, unless something works out in a few days and we move in and I can slam down on work, I'll probably be heading to pausing for a month to catch up. I don't really want to; I want to work, but I also want to be fair. Here's the finally assembled October ZIPs for this tier level. Thank y'all so much for your support and patience. Mahalo nui loa



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