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Hey Folks! Sorry it's been a little while, but this last week has been really busy.

So as I've mentioned before I am moving. It has been a couple of days of nothing but packing and shipping, and now a couple of days of nothing but driving. It's been rough on my hands, wrists and back. Nothing serious, just sore, which i guess works out since i can't use them for drawing while i drive... at least not with current technology.

Like with all creative things, drawing takes practice every day. It has been really frustrating not being able to draw... Like an itch that you can't scratch, or a sneeze that just won't come. It kind of sucks knowing that my characters are just sort of sitting there, not doing anything, Just floating in the ether, Waiting for me to give them life back, as weird as that sounds.

Anyway, There is not much I can really do except to push forward. I have my ipad with me and I had planned to draw at hotels, but I really just been driving all day, and then sleeping, Repeat. I will try to draw and post as soon as I can, but in the meantime, thank you all for your patience and support!

I know that that is not much of an update, But I figured some communication is better than none. I did not get time to put together the October folders, But I will as soon as I get the chance.

[Insert flapping blue Jay here]



Best of luck with your moving Fluff, also hopefully you liked my first chapters on sofurry ^^ it will keep you entertained I guess when you stop driving


Make sure you both are hydrated and eating well, go slow and take as much time as you need, rest and recuperate! You're fans will be here for you fluff

Antoine Davis

Still wishing you and Rei the best, also i can reslly relate to that especially with writing and drawing.


2 Days of driving - that's quite the long move. Best of luck.

Skeleton Man

I love to hear that things are going fine. Safe travels!


Good luck, where abouts are you relocating to?

The Friendly Deathclaw

Best of luck with your move Fluff!! Stay safe on the road!


Hang in there fluff! Hope your new place treats you and rei well!


where was the end of month zip for october?


Completely understandable


Just keep safe on the road and rested Fluff, road voyages like that are really taxing. I've done a 16 hour one, and best thing to do is be well fed, have comfort foods and take breaks when needed. Hydrating as well, don't forget that.