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I thought it would be cute to have ARA do this currently trending meme  of 'leg raised up high' which is usually a 'vertical splits' type pose.  But in classic software engineer fashion, the computer did exactly what  you told it to, just not in the way you expected.



Eric Dielli

I love this :3


Im dying XD Reading the title, I thought you just go with this trend, but I did not expect THIS. Totally cought me off guard! I love you sense of humour!


Shes adorable!


I love how cute Ara is and how oblivious she can be sometimes. I also wouldn't mind seeing Ayn showing Ara how to do it properly.

Justice Taylor

Come on, panties, fall a little lower. Like, I can see the internal edge of her groin but want to see inside her panties... Hm, I imagined a pelvis disassembly showing her 2 capacity testing ports.


It's a situation known as GIGO: Garbage In Garbage Out. Computers will do exactly what you tell them to, but sometimes what you're telling them isn't what you think you're telling them - which can lead to unexpected (and occasionally catastrophic) results. That said, I wouldn't be at all surprised to find she did that deliberately. XD

Markius Fox

OMG! She's so adorable doing things like this, I just want to hug her!


I want an Ara figure 😂


this one's my favorite so far xD


I love Ara, she's so hilariously adorable when she takes things literally. XP

Terra The Wizard

she's confused, but she's got the spirit


I love this sooo much. The way Ara tries to do what you ask but is a bit oblivious to the nuances of it.


God dammit. XD


Us: do a leg lift, ARA ARA: *does what she's doing in the picture* Me: *facepalm* I mean she's not wrong...


Good job ara! Now let’s try it with your leg attached^^;


My new wallpaper

Ya Boi Waldo

Ara is having a gigo moment lol

Ya Boi Waldo

I mean technically speaking... even she did it intentionally or not... it'd still technically be a gigo moment lol...


Ara has like the most perfect bodytype. Gosh I love her design <3 well done on this one Fluff!


Vikna: "That's NOT what I meant when I said we needed to get a leg up on systems maintenance." ARA: "Oh! Apologies! I was unaware you were using an idiom. How silly of me..." Vikna: *Sighs.* "Look, don't worry about it. Just give me a hand putting this panel back on." ARA: "Affirmative!" *Removes arm.* Vikna: *More sighs.*


Ara is such a cutie


*squints* well played.


She's allways so innocent. Must protect at all cost <3


Don't challenge Ara to a splits contest, she'll win for sure!


I love her two-piece underwear outfit!


ARA is so cute, ahhhh! Also, I like the design of the underwear!

Zrath Smiley

The English language is a minefield of metaphors.

Data Prowler

Ah, the software engineer's paradox. The good thing is that computers do exactly what you tell them to do. The bad thing is that computers do EXACTLY what you tell them to do.


I guess that is technically correct, still adorable.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=17KmNrG9pE4 lmao ya got me

Onyx Dragon 388

Double bracket and ball joints on the hip nice