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Hey folks! Got around to finishing these last night. Quite happy with both! Vess, requested by Aetheos, finally gets her design fleshed out! Colours, outfit etc, were fun, albeit time-consuming. And Kesis, requested by Zenith, continuation of the "Kesis ambassador" diplomacy type picture I did a while back. Also fun and pleased with!

Thank you for the in-stream support from FriendlyDeathclaw, Blobage and Skimike!! Thank you guys so much. Here's the tier files for requests for this month, updated as we go:




Melon Frost

oooooh vess is such a cute lil kobold


♥ ♥ Vess ♥ ♥

Deciem X

Kess is a rad character and I hope to see more of her! I presume the Kesis x human is non-canon.

Data Prowler

What does an arcane trickster do?


its a subclass of rogues, they use magic in addition to usual rogue-like stuff! pretty fun


They're very fun. I used to play a Kobold Eldritch Scoundrel rogue Archetype that went into Arcane Trickster. Her name was Iski.


Fluff, have you played baulders gate yet? Fun stuff


smexy wife and sexy waifu kobold :0

Seventy Eagles

That looks SO freakin good