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So i did a bit of research and read some of Freefall. After reading some comments on the results page, a gravity mishap aboard the ship, Savage Chicken, seems fairly in tune with the comic, as does the Florence loses her clothes bit, oof which she usually seems fairly dismissive and observant, being an AI.

I originally sketched this with a more normalized body, but gave it a second pass in which i tried more paw- like-paws, itty bitty tids, and a closer frame shot. Both to keep a blend of source material and my style, i opted to keep the pawbs as well as leave them four fingered. Let me know if it needs tweaking though.

As for alts! I do want to get her body suit in, and maybe something else, but..idk what? Again, I'm not keen on this being X rated, or heavy alts, because I'd really like to tackle another comic page, or two, and/ or another mid level pinup or Halloween picture. Enjoy!




Maybe do an alt with a Vikna-styled bodysuit?


Looks great, can't wait to see it finished.


very cute :O, didn't expect it to come out so nicely :D

Antoine Davis

Looks great, also she looks alright so far


Aw, she’s really cute! I actually think her being four fingered works fine. I remember seeing the four fingered look in Eric’s art and thinking it was weird, but after some time and puzzling I came around to it. Looks great so far and I’m excited to see it finished! A nice wholesome pinup sounds nice. Also, I don’t know if you’ve played Pikmin 3, or pikmin in general, but there’s a gag in three where the captain has a rubber ducky that floats around the ship while they talk. There’s even a part where a character named Louie floats by making a dumb blank face and it cracks me up. An alt evoking something like that might be funny. Anyway I’ll shut up now. Great work fluff!


5 fingers for me, 4 looks weird to me.


You gave her a nice butt~


You could do something akin to the time the robot Helix saw her nude. The scene was from his PoV and he has PG mode enabled so there were censor bars across any naughty bits. Helix also pondered if the PG mode translated to his tactile sensor which Florence shot down immediately.


Looks great Fluff. Hair in zero g is hard to get right.


Maybe an alt where she's got some sweater-stuffers? Damn cute work, FK! ❤


There are some censor robots in the universe if I remember correctly. Tom Fischbach did a piece of her SFW nude as well and an alt where these robots that flew around with black censor bars were there. Maybe look into that?

Travis Progresso

How about an alt where she has her jumpsuit tied around her waist and wearing an undershirt, kinda like Chell from Portal https://imgur.com/a/GATd4td

Joel Kreissman

There was an arc where she was wearing a gold foil dress, http://freefall.purrsia.com/ff1500/fc01413.htm With a full-length slit in the skirt for her tail. http://freefall.purrsia.com/ff1500/fc01435.htm


As a long-time follower of FREEWILL, I love this! Florence is always a bit embarrassed when she loses her clothes, but she's come to accept that it's just one of those things that happen to her! Great job!


FREEFALL! (Bloody #%&@# auto-correct!)


i havnt completed the comic in its entirety but iirc Florence isnt an AI.. she is a genetically engineered wold for greater intelligence. she isnt any sort of cyborg or AI, she is entirely and animal just one genetically engineered to be smarter


Cutie booty


Nice. Very nice. As a male who loves being attracted to the full embodiment of female, breasts are just a singular, wide variety feature. Nudity, sensuality, and sex are not always a packaged deal. I like the graceful look and concept of an animal-ian biped. Her character was the type you wanted to be in a relationship with outside of the bedroom and through life's craziness. Sexual attraction for me includes mind and personality as well as body...


here it is: https://www.deviantart.com/art/Flying-Black-Panels-of-Obfuscation-500559051


She looks super cute! And I always like your zero gravity settings.


She is looking good so far !

Mark Temple

she falls under the laws for Robotic AI's though, and is classified as one in setting.