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Edit: Tweaked two of the versions to show more variety of alts.

Here's the big bear gal's results! If I had a Discord or something I'd  share WIPs more often, but I'm working on that idea.

I went with a night scene, as character, background tilt, daytime and attitude contrasted/paired really nicely against Tala's pinup earlier this year, almost as a mirror-image type thing. Also I rarely(if ever?) have done a pinup at twilight.  I used my Denali painting as a base, but put a lot of extra effort into her clothing, which I ended up doing a decent bit of research on, and made a more 'detailed' version of her standard outfit, something I wish I had done for Tala's, now that I see it.

Even though the lighting isn't incredibly accurate, I did want it to still look appealing, show everything, and give a calming feeling. Overall I'm quite happy with it, now I hope I just didn't forget everything... I hope you all enjoy!



Antoine Davis

Looks great, i like the claw mark details in this one. Also are those things on her legs braces? Sorry if i got the name wrong, for I'm not sure what they're. But still this looks cool.


Love it *-* awesome job as always fluff ;)

Kaizer (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-06 13:20:14 These are PERFECT! <3
2018-06-30 19:08:40 These are PERFECT! <3

These are PERFECT! <3


All joking aside, a discord would be amazing! I could always help you set it up