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Here's the big bear gal's results! If I had a Discord or something I'd share WIPs more often, but I'm working on that idea. For now, check out the link below for her HD PNG pinup files for 30 days!

I went with a night scene, as character, background tilt, daytime and attitude contrasted/paired really nicely against Tala's pinup earlier this year, almost as a mirror-image type thing. Also I rarely(if ever?) have done a pinup at twilight.  I used my Denali painting as a base, but put a lot of extra effort into her clothing, which I ended up doing a decent bit of research on, and made a more 'detailed' version of her standard outfit, something I wish I had done for Tala's, now that I see it.

Even though the lighting isn't incredibly accurate, I did want it to still look appealing, show everything, and give a calming feeling. Overall I'm quite happy with it, now I hope I just didn't forget everything... I hope you all enjoy!


PS: I was having some issues with PNGs/colour profiles/visual errors while saving.. if y'all can verify that they look okay, like aren't absurdly dark in areas, don't have transparency problems, that'd be cool! If it turns out to have issues, I'll try to fix them ASAP.



Antoine Davis

She looks awesome! Love everything from the sky, the pose, the background. All of it is awesome. Also, i like that hat she has, what's the name of it? But still, this is fantastic. Also no, it doesn't look too dark in any areas to me.


Absolutely amazing. Everything looks so nice here, and I love the choice of a twilight/nighttime scene for this pinup! I also adore all the alt versions! (Especially the ones with cum on her paws. Bless you, you beautiful bastard.) All the lighting looks good to me as well, and nothing stands out as too dark. Simply fantastic work!


Awesome work on this this pinup! I love all of the detail and effort that has been placed into it. The alts are some of the best actually. And nope, no issues with any darkness and the like. Everything looks great Fluff! Now, to the fap cave i go! :D


I love it! The extra little details were so worth it!


YESYESYES! You did it, you did the cum on paws!!! I'm so happy! <3 <3 THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU! :DDD

Kenith Fox

This is a wounderful picture. I like most everything about it, but there is one thing I really love: the fireflies. I know that is pretty lame, but they are my favorite thing to see at night. It just makes everthing feel special to me. Lol, also nice feet and bear nudies too.


Holy shit.

Acrid Rose

My current head cannon is that big and thick pener in those pics is Massak. am i right to hope massak will be that size or larger? (loki needs some competition)


Nice detail on the BG man


The discord wouldn't be a bad idea at all. Just get some decent mods. Also this picture is very well done. Bailey is a particular stand-out to me when it comes to your more recent characters. Great design and personality.


Yeah mods is part of what i'm worried about haha. Thank you a ton though! I appreciate the compliments man