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Update: 12-7, 1:38pm) 

Quick recap for those of you unaware: Patreon will start to charge a 2.9%+35 cents to all pledges starting January. This makes a $1 pledge into $1.38, a $5 into $5.50, $10 into $10.64 and $25 to $26.10.

Why? They are splitting fees between Creator and Patron. Creators pay Patreon their 5%, and Patrons will cover the processing fees. And at first Patreon wasn't very clear on why they wanted to do this, other than "keep creators' paychecks more reliable". Turns out the answer is much more complicated, but thankfully they did release an update earlier today detailing it. 

Nothing's changed unfortunately, but it does help in a way. I highly suggest you take a read at the whole thing - it ties together in the end.https://blog.patreon.com/updating-patreons-fee-structure/

(Specifically the part under Update: 3:57pm PST )

Long story short: Patreon wants to move to charge-up-front to everyone. Patreon wants your monthly pledges to recurr on the dates you subscribe, not "the day you subscribe and then every 1st of the month". To do this, they no longer benefit from aggregating charges all on the 1st, and so more processing fees occur. It's why the fee-per-pledge thing is there and another reason why they can't keep covering processing fees: because of pledge-cancelling. Charge-up-front eliminates it, but to roll that out, they need the recurring-payment-on-payment-date to work. And to do that, need the standardized fees, etc. 

The system isn't great, because it still doesn't solve the main problem: The fact that it will cost patrons a bit more. It's just a few cents, but if you pledge a lot, it can add up.

TL;DR: It makes more sense, I don't believe Patreon is money-greedy or evil, but it's still not a solution to the main issue. A solution would be to make the fees optional for patrons to cover if they wish, or an option to lump pledges timed together to save on the fees.

Anyway, I will do my best to keep going forward as usual and making my work the best I can, hoping most of you will stick through it, without putting yourselves or finances out of whack. Do take care of yourself first! I hope they find a middle ground solution. Sorry to keep bothering you all with this! 

(old post:)

There an upcoming change to Patreon that mostly affects small, multiple pledges, so please read ALL the info below to get the whole picture.

So if you haven’t heard, Patreon is rolling out a process starting January 2018 where the patrons(you) will cover the processing fees for pledges instead of the creators(me). It’s a nice idea in theory, I guess, but it has some problems. The fees themselves haven’t increased, it’s the application of the charge -per pledge- that makes it a problem for patrons. They always took per-pledge on my end, but it was fine, since, you know, crowdfunding. So from my understanding, this affects lower pledges more than larger ones, and affects patrons who pledge to multiple creators more than those whom pledge to just one. It also makes it more confusing for patrons to budget their pledges.  

As it stands, Patreon creators take the hit for the fees, and I guess Patreon wants to make it more stable for them. There are two problem parts: One is that the new fees occur ‘per individual pledge’. So if you pledge $1 to two Patreons, you’ll be charged the new 2.9%+0.35$ for each pledge, bringing your total to something like 2.76$ for that 2$ pledge. This can add up, and it doesn’t make much sense since Patreon is only charging your card once for the total amount of your pledges. If you pledged to 20 creators $1 each, they’d see .95$, and it would cost you $27.60. It would only cost Patreon 0.93$ to process that from you, (2.9%+$.35 of $20) yet they’ll charge $7.60. My math might not be penny-perfect, but you get the idea.

As a creator, I’m more than happy to eat the processing fees instead of shunting it onto the supporters. It just feels weird having to put a disclaimer on my tiers saying “This 1$ tier will really cost you $1.38“ or whatever.. They always took that 35cents per pledge from the creator’s side, but it. Is easier to swallow for them/us than to rack up fees for the patrons.

I always only see 0.65$ of each dollar pledge, $4.50 of each 5$ pledge, etc. and you can see how it hurts lower pledges worsens. I don’t think making it so I see 0.95$ of each one-dollar-tier pledge is worth the loss of supporters by headcount.

You can read more of the official statement on it here:


So, I want to hear from you guys about this. Is it really a big of a deal as people are making it out to be? In favor? Against it? Is it really that big of a deal to you? Happy to cover the fees so creators make more, or would you rather find a middle ground? Personally I’m fine with it as it is. I don’t see all these creators Patreon is claiming support this move. I’m going to be writing them an email; I don’t think it’s a good idea in its current implementation. It makes smaller pledges more expensive and discourages pledging to a lot of creators. 

I think if they don’t fix this by January, I’m going to TRY to tweak some of my tier prices to try and level it out, maybe? Ive been told pledges less than $1 aren’t possible.  I put much more value on the individual patron than the amount pledged. I really do care to reach more -people- than reach a specific -total-. And I want to make it easier somehow, keep people from having to drop or lower their pledges. Again, it Will affect each patron differently, depending on how many people you pledge to and how much.

So you could look at it one way and say “Is my $1 pledge worth $1.38?” But even f so, the fact remains that if you don’t have the budget for it, you’ll have to drop something, which is the problem.

It not the end of the world or the site, it’s just not a great idea as it is. Patreon needs to hear the feedback. Comment here to let ME know what you think, but remember they won’t look here, you need to email or tweet them to help get this heard!



Well, you only support me at the moment(if the profile page displays it right), and I believe it will take your $5 pledge $5.50 to go through now, for example. I would hope that immediately dropping all pledges isn’t the instant reaction of everyone. It sucks for both creators AND patrons for that reason.


Yeah this is kind of a bummer. I'm not really sure who asked for this. Sure people who run patreon pages will get a little more each month but it comes at a pretty heavy price. What people pledge is no longer what is advertised. I like clean rounded numbers and I wish patreon campaigns had a way to opt out of this.


Me too man, I’d opt out instantly. Best I can do is alter my pledge totals. $1 to $0.75, $5 to $4.80, etc. to try and middle-ground it.


I will continue to support you any way I can fluff. That being said, I'm not a fan of their new system. I can see their reasoning behind it but this might cause problems for both creators and pateron supporters across the entire site in regards to costs.

Chad Zwadlo

Personally I'm running pretty much at my budget on here... I'll probably have to drop one of my pledges because of this 😢


This is definitely less than ideal in regards to letting people know what they will be paying. For now I'm alright with this additional cost, but it'll definitely make me more hesitant to pledge to people in the future and it's possible that I may cut back on my current pledges. Thank you for letting us know about this!


I get where Patreon is coming from, but I can't say I am happy or agree with the decision. I only support(ed) 3 creators, but with this change I have decided to drop one of them to make sure not to go over budget (I did not drop you Fluff). Your idea of a kind of middle ground is nice, and with it (if you go through with it) hopefully you are still taking more funds home with not having to pay the processing fee, as well as it helping us patrons not get hit with too hard a price change.


I tend to set my self a budget that I'd rather not exceed, and now my costs go up something like 11% (as per my pledges), so I'll need to either cut back on pledges, or drop down to lower tiers to maintain my budget. I already have to deal with the variability of the exchange rate, this just adds to the problem.


I'm going to delete my pledges tomorrow. Patreon broke my trust by sticking their hands right into my pocket and just helping themselves to an extra bit of my cash, and that's just not acceptable under any circumstances. As it stands right now I'd be looking at an extra $40/mo, which is just simply absurd. Even if they reverse their decision overnight, broken trust doesn't have an "undo" button.


Also I don't know what the exact restrictions are, but I was unable to pledge $10.01 to a creator who had set that value for one of their reward levels, and I had to up it to $11 to get it, so just adjusting the reward levels downward might not even be possible.

Adleisio Cefnfor

Trimmed this down, because I wrote a book. I feel this is a bad move, because even Paypal charges a fees to the producers/providers of the service and that is kind of expected. But I do agree, that it will make it really hard for people sustain more pledges to more people. I have a few people that I throw maybe a few bucks at monthly because they are at least acquaintances, and those few people only have like 26 pledges in some cases, and I feel the people supporting them might have to drop their small pledges on some of the smaller creators and it might even make it harder for people to support creators overall. And this would mean a greater loss on the creators end than the fee that they would normally be charged Not only that it may lead people to pirate the content more because they can no longer afford to actually pay for it, especially those on a tight budget, like myself. I know some people support huge numbers of people which huge pledges, but with that 3% increase, that adds up and it will force people to stop supporting creators that they really loved.


Well I will certainly cancel a lot of my pledges. But it also bring another problem for creators as a lot use the fees to get tax cut. So you earn more from an end but you get fucked more at the other end. To me it feels like patreon is trying to get more money and that's all


This isn't a good idea. Like with some folks have stated they've gotta cut pledges to stay in budget..so that means a lot of creators will receive less money.


Also I pay 20% in taxes (VAT) so for a 5$ pledge I'll pay nearly 2$ more


Yeah that’s my concern as well, a lot of people are already tight on funds, and I’m very willing to keep that cost low by eating their fees but there is no option for it; even says on their page that creators who want to front those fees can’t. So I’m gonna write them a good email based on your guys comments here.


Well hopefully I -CAN- go through with it.. I’m being told editing tier values is really iffy and not handled well, we will see!

Major Matt Mason

I'm gonna have to drop most of my pledges. Most of 'em are at the $1 level, and I can't afford what amounts to a 40% increase in the pledges...


This is not good for me :/


Extra $40/month? That doesn’t Sound right.. are you pledging to like 100 creators? 100 creators at $1 each would cost you like $38 extra or so. Even pledging a single 100$/month would only be a fee of $3.25... is that right? This just shows how it ruins lots of smaller pledges, while larger, sole pledges are much less affected. yeah, I do wish it wasn’t the case. :c i appreciate your support thus far though!


I have lots of small pledges, so a 40% rate hike means that I need to eliminate support to numerous artists and projects that I've previously supported. That sucks, both for the content creators and for me.


If I were making a couple high dollar pledges this wouldn't bother me at all. What's a few more cents or another buck? But since what I do is make a few dozen $1 pledges to a whole BUNCH of creators, yeah, this hits pretty hard. I'm either going to have to go through and manually cycle donations once a month or find alternative options. I want to support you guys, but not at what turns into a 38% price hike that goes exclusively to Patreon...


I am pledged to around a dozen patrons and don't see why they would indirectly punish people in my case (or those who pledge to far more people) for supporting more patreons. I understand service fees, but percentage fees on top of having a fee for each pledge may make me drop a pledge or two. In short, this could hurt creators by causing people to reduce how many people they pledge to. Not everyone can stretch their wallet.


Like almost everyone else, I feel this is a terrible move for both the patron and you creators. I'm not going to change my pledges but can understand why some may have to. I hope everything works out for you Fluff.


I feel like it's telling your employer they have to pay you more to negate the impact of the taxes that come out of your paycheck.


And I didnt even hear of this! Like, did they send out emails? I checked my inbox and never received any. As it stands, this means I will have to cut a good amount of my pledges, I already pay something like 80 bucks in patreon, plus VAT, and if I have to pay 40% of that extra? Yeah sorry, thats not feasible.


Yeah, I'm already planning to drop a couple of my pledges. My pledge to you is safe because I like your work too much; but I do think this tactic Patreon is doing to be complete BS.


I've already had to drop a couple of my pledges just to stay in budget. I'm pretty much completely maxed out atm, even slightly over by about $1 so I may have to drop yet another pledge... which honestly makes me feel super shitty because they're artists I've been supporting for a long time now. This was a very bad move thats really not going to help anyone in the end. I understand patreon needs to make money to keep the server alive and what not, but there has to be a better way to do this...


Supporting quite a few people , so have to consider to drop pledges .


Thinking about this more and more just makes me angry. Like you say, they only charge my credit card once, but they're charging a fee for every pledge? That doesn't make any sense.


I'm pledging 10$ to 2 creators, you included. That's about 1,28$ additional charge. Not much and not gonna ruin me but people running on tight budget might have a problem. Still, if you're patron to 4 creators pledging 5$ a month to each there's additional charge of 1,98$. It's not much of a difference but it's not unified... Those 0,35 doesn't make any sense. Maybe cut it whole to stable charge of 0,10$ would make it look better and it would be much clearer, If they plan to adjust it. It wouldn't cover everything but it might be a good compromise. Dunno what to think about it :/


As someone who pledges to 19 different Patreons, some of which are $30 or more, and lives in Australia, this is liable to end up being something of a big ass kick in the teeth. I have zero objection to freely giving my money in order to allow the artists I love to continue making their fantastic art, but my budget is not infinite and unfortunately some artists are not so generous with posting what they create, since the advent of Patreon. While I support the idea of Patreon in general, and would happily support ALL of my favourite artists if I had enough money to, it's getting harder and harder to do so. It saddens me to say it but, practically speaking, Patreaon has proven to be a very bad thing for someone who can only walk by and view the lovely art created. Once open windows have been closed as artists turn Patreon into their personal paywall, and others are obscured as some post only a portion of their content to free sites. And with this new change, more of those windows are at risk of being closed off due to an already stretched thin budget. I can only hope that this change is either reconsidered and proven to be less problematic than initially thought.


I think this is a bad move, even more so for people who pledge in USD but whose main income is in the form of other currencies who already have the added confusion from currency conversion each month. In the event this goes through, and I don't really see why it wouldn't right now, I will (like many others) have to rethink a lot of pledges to make sure I can pledge within the boundaries of my budget each month. I do agree with most of what's been said, this makes it preferable to pledge high amounts to few creators, and I feel like that kind of defeats the purpose of Patreon as a platform for supporting content creators, small and big, around the globe.


Yeah, I'm with some of the others. Overall, it's not huge, but with the multiple pledges I have, I may have to consider dropping one or two to cover the costs of the fees. I'm not so cool with that. >:(


I'd be fine with a single, unified charge - something Patreon could put as a disclaimer when we sign up and we could easily plan around. But to do it per-pledge as though each item were processed individually, and then NOT do it that way? That's just skimming from those pledging, and quite dishonest on their part. At the least, I'll be seriously considering terminating my $1 pledges just because the overcharge there is terrible. Either take fees from the amount intended to be pledged (and let the creators raise pledge costs slightly to cover the difference), or have a single point of reference so that everyone who pledges x$ pays the same amount to Patreon.


Well that's fucking awful, especially with how many furry artists are trying to to even partially make use of Patreon. The flat per-pledge aspect is particularly retarded, since as you pointed out, it's a fucking digital transaction. This is going to make a ton of people re-assess how much they want to pledge, which should overall reduce how much Patreon is making off of it. It's beneficial to creators in the short term, but ultimately will discourage patrons.


Well that sucks I remember a few months ago patreon charged me a bit extra for a new pledge and said any new pledge I made would cost extra to cover the processing fees and all existing pledges I had would remain the same. Wasn't to thrilled about it, but a week later It went back to normal and disappeared so I thought they ditched the idea. Guess not :( In fact this sounds worse to me, sounds like all old and new pledges are effected now.


It mainly needs to get rid of the flat 35 cent fee per pledge, i think that’s what’s killing it the most. Yeah its not great


I do wish people weren’t forced to do it, leaving it as an option would be a totally doable/reasonable way out.


Sorry to hear that, I do wish people didn’t have to drop pledges because of it.


Well its only 40% for a dollar pledge, rather than 40% all around; haha, that would kill the site. But yeah, the big problem is the fact that the fees are per-pledge cause it all adds up


Yeah they have been sending out emails, maybe not all at once, but if you don’t have it yet it may come in a few days. It is public knowledge though.


Yeah I’m reall hoping if we raise enough stink about it they’ll fix it, remove it, give us.a workaround or something,

Antoine Davis

Wow, this is just awful. I mean why would they even do this in the first place when everything seems okay? Hope it gets removed.


Yeah I don’t really know what the issue was that they felt needed changing. I mean, I kind of do..? Make creators more stable, but that REALLY doesn’t explain the 35cents per pledge per creator part, and I think that’s the worst bit of it


Well that sucks. Cause i already have a few I'm supporting and I really hate to stop supporting them, just for the sake of even be able to support someone.


Yeah, I don't like this, might have a good job and stable in US but this will be pushing my budget

Todd Whitesel

If they charge me an extra 35 cents for every $1 pledge I have every month from now on, I am quitting Patreon. They REALLY need to clarify the posted information about whether that happens or not. If the flat 35 cents is shared by the whole monthly charge, then I can cut a few pledges to get back on budget and remain here. This also breaks the whole point of pay-up-front. Instead of pay-up-front they should implement a shopping cart model for new pledges so that I can batch them together and only take the fee hit when I actually want to start accessing the content. Seriously, what robot CEO thought this up? Do they literally think that every Patron has tons of money to spend or has only a handful of pledges?


I'm probably going to have to stop supporting some of my patrons if this happens. :( as someone who invest 80 +$ a month this is going to hurt...

Simone Spinozzi

I can see a lot of bummed people. But what Patron is charging is the standard bank fare for such a transaction. Also probably it will be for single transactions. As the end result will be that patrons will pay 2.9%+0.35 on the whole single payment at the end of the month. I think this is because Patreon wants to move the "pay upfront" to every creator. If so i hope i am not mistaken. Thus patrons will pay 2.9+0.35 each time they will subscribe to a new creator and then a single transaction at the end of the month. But we as patrons will be able to confirm this only on january. You as a creator can confirm this a bit sooner by asking patreon directly with a preferencial queue


This is going to steal money from some of my people I support honestly. I already have others I can't watch or am limited on. This will make it harder. And it could very WELL hit YOU in the pocket.


And just for the record, you can't have a pledge below $1.


Yeah, i support a lot of people in patreon and most of my pledges are small, frankly i plan to cancel some of them to recoup the new fees.


*cringe* I have a number of small pledges and feel like I’m pushing it as is. Being from Oregon I’m not even used to dealing with a sales tax, things not costing what they say they cost...


First, thank you for alerting me and your other patrons to this change. I have a large number of small pledges and this will add up to a substantial additional cost during a pledge cycle. Second, do you have an alternate location such as Ko-Fi where people could make a contribution regularly and an alternate site for your work to be displayed? Thirdly if I were you I would let Patreon know how many $1 and $5 pledges you have that will be potentially lost with the new fee structure and that the reduced fee on the remaining pledges won’t make up the difference. I intend to tell them that from my own perspective in somewhat less polite words. And again thank you for being considerate of your patrons over your own income impact.


It definitely means that I will be supporting fewer creators. Getting double or even tripple taxed to show support for artists and content creators makes it way too difficult to stay in budget each month.


So... What happens to all the extra money that's charged but not used as tax? It's just pocketed? That seems shitty. (Especially considering the artists themselves are still only getting 95%). While I understand they need to make money somehow and they'd have likely taken a cut before, this does nothing but incentivize people to either pay big or not pay at all, and considering the vast majority of patreons are supported by overwhelmingly low-tier patrons I can see this crippling many people's income in the long-run. From my own experience many tend to give small amounts to lots of creators they likely wouldn't have pledged to otherwise due to just how big of a content difference there tends to be between pledging small amounts and pledging nothing at all. If this makes it ludicrously more expensive to donate in anything but decently sized pledges, patrons will stick to only supporting the handful of artists they cannot live without, and not even consider exploring other patreons. This is in addition to things like conversion rates and the fees associated with that, in which I'd be forced to pay around 30% more for each and every dollar I'm charged. So with the pitiful amount of money I have to spend? Lord knows I wouldn't so much as think of supporting someone I didn't already know gave good value for my money.


I got a lot of flack for for voicing my opinion about this shady tactic, the are basically convincing people that they are only pledging x, when in reality they pay a lot more, especially with VAT also being added on top.


Patreon is obviously trying to increase their margins and trying to pretend it's in the interest of creators.


Yeah, I don't agree with this idea from the site devs. From what I've seen, it's actually costing artists who use this site money via their lower tier supporters leaving due to this announcement of theirs. One artist in particular reported that they lost 20% of their support income in the matter of a few hours after the initial posting from the site devs. SO in the long run, will more than likely hurt the content creators instead of helping them.


Well the fees have always been there for creators, but if it costs patrons enough that they have to drop pledges, then its costing the creators even more in return, yeah


Their thought was that patrons “would be happy to support their creators for a bit more cents per month to help them earn more of the pledge” but honestly yeah, they didn’t think about what if they can’t afford it at all? Pledging to so many, etc. it can add up.


I do still put up my E-Junkie packs for the monthly stuff at least! I do have a ko-if but its less used. Thank you!


As long as it's one single fee calculated on the grand total of my pledges I would most likely be able to handle it, but if it really is per pledge then I will have to drop some since I will go over my current means.


Most creators seem to not like this one and even see it as an income threat :/ Seems like a big money-grab from Patreon thinly veiled as a way to give creators more money. People have been asking if I'll bring back my Patreon competitor service which failed cause nobody wanted to take the leap over. :P


Sounds like a money grab that will eventually bet them way less money.


I don't support this. I am all for giving creators a bigger slice of the pie and wouldn't object to this change IF it was a simple FLAT processing fee at the end of each month, but this isn't simple and hurts certain creators and patrons. Individuals who do small tips to several creators will be unfairly burdened by this, creators who charge on a per submission basis might be costing their patrons more than they intend and ALREADY I have seen emails from artists objecting to this change due to patrons dropping from their lower tiers. This was really poorly thought out. A higher percentage of less income isn't beneficial to our content creators.


I can’t say I really like why they’re doing, they should really leave that option to the creators, and not just force their hands into a creator’s patrons. I would prefer to go back to what we had before, although either way, I’ll still support you Fluff, just might not have the ability to support other creators in the future. Disappointed with Patreon at the moment :/


I have already sent my feedback to patreon about this, and to be frank they aren't thinking clearly as they are now more expensive of option than sending payments through PayPal. PayPal from what I can see so far charges fees of 2.9%+0.30$ per transaction. If that is true then that makes patreon 5 cents per transaction more. I am not sure about the rest of you but if that is true and PayPal gives 100% of what you pay (not including that fee) to the person you are paying, then perhaps it will be better to go through PayPal? I mean the fact this is even a possibility means patreon is no longer the easiest way to support a creator.


So if my maths correct (correct me if I'm wrong) on what they say $1 = 1.38, $5 = 5.50, $10 = 10.64, $25 = 26.08. Then added to the whatever the conversion for country (in my case Canada so *1.29 currently), etc... So where does the difference go? For patreon it just sounds like they're adding fees to get profit. If anyone could explain it differently please do that just what it sounds like to me.


In my opinion this new fee as a bad idea. At the moment i support over a dozen creators, mostly in the 1-3$ range, some with 5$. I had hoped I can support some more the next months with my extra money for Christmas. With this new fee my 1$ pledges raises from 1,19$ to 1,64$ (19% vat), this is an increase of 38% for me. I would be totally fine with 3% and a single 0,35$.


I'd be fine with eating the fees if they weren't being so dishonest about things. The stated goal is to let creators take home more consistent pay, but the new system is so patron un-friendly that creators are going to be taking home a lower check. Yeah, they will take home a bigger percentage, but the raw dollar amount is going to decrease. The 'per pledge' fee is absurd, it has no real basis in how the transactions are handled and it completely kills lower value pledges and patrons who support lots of people (be it with small pledges or larger ones). TLDR: It's a patron unfriendly change, a total cash grab, thinly veild as helping out creators. I'm hoping that drip or another platform takes over, in the meantime I'll probably be pledging less and buying more kofi/merch/commissions.


Strongly against. I already had to cancel some of my patronages due to a change in my financial situation. This this change in policy, I may end up having to cancel the rest of my patronages. Miles-DF does year end sales of his past works on GumRoad. This may provide an alternative avenue for patrons and creators alike.


It's gonna cut into the typical 1$ pledges because it adds at 35% fee to every 1$ pledge which is really steep. I also gonna cancel some of my smaller pledges. This gonna hit creators who just start the most because most gonna switch to their favourite ( older ones )

Shinault Sketches

Well shit, this means I'll have to temporarily drop all my pledges, I have 2, but they're both the 2nd highest tiers, meaning I'd be paying a lot more than my original intentions. 😔😢😭💔💘💦