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Hi guys, sorry for the quiet weekend, still in Chicago for a few days. MFF was super busy, and it was nice meeting a few of you there! Only downside is that between the con, bad sleep(not a fan of the Hyatt’s beds), and now being sick, I didn’t get the chance to draw a whole lot. Every time I started, someone would show up at the table(which is a good thing!), it just meant that any drawing was secondary.

So here’s the one traditional pic I did this con, Skidd’s character Kibbles, from the webcomic UberQuest, done in his sketchbook on grey paper with .5mm pencil. Kind of a simple composition, but traditional is really out of my comfort zone. 

Going to make it up by uploading and working down quite a bit once I return home on Thursday. I do have some WIP stuff to share in the meantime though!




Those boobs, holy cow❤️💦


Hell yeah, beautiful piece Fluff! Hope your weekend was fun! You should rest for a bit, recover from the weekend, take it slow for a bit. You work hard, you deserve a break


It's unfortunate you caught a bug, but I hope you're able to enjoy the rest of your visit somehow!

August kowalski

Holy chest batman! 👀👍🏻 That is one gifted pupper Also hope ya feel better im not doin so hot myself.


Wow, I guess you’d call that Kibbles and Tits!(I know, bad pun) On a serious note though, fantastic work on this one!


I wish Fluff would do more boobs like that. Holy smokes is that a chest.


Beautiful piece. Would love to see this finished someday.


yay Kibbles! :D


Definitely a little bit of challenge for me, as of course I don't usually put em on that big!


They look good mate, I'd love to see more like that in the future. Get well soon!