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More like.. hind quarters. I wanted a POV shot of all my characters, really. Crotch-up and all... but Vikna stuck out to me, I dunno, just not enough of her I spose? Enjoy this iPad doodle in between the comic, hurricane, moving, and other work! 

Next up will probably be some pose ideas for either the pinup or comic pages and hope Irma doesn't knock out my power or anything.




Do you think you will color this or just leave it as a sketch?


By "other work" do you mean getting geared up to flap that hurricane away? Best of luck to you on that! Very nice shot of Vikna, though she seems rather miffed at the camera's intrusion!


Love the POV pose!


Calling that a "doodle"...


Looks like a comfortable place to live, has all the nessecary amenities, a place to park, etc. :V


Well other art projects I mean! Still want to work on the ARA daki and more


Oh dear God O.O *fans self* The pose is incredible. That it is Vikna is just.... <3 Please, PLEASE, PLEASE finish this. *begs*


Ooh, more Vikna! You won't hear me complaining. Never enough of her.

Holo Wolf

Nice picture! I hope you stay safe during the hurricane!!!


That pose and expression... is it wrong to ask for colors? Maybe something like Ayn's halloween pinup, that shading was great (' .' )


Vikna!~ <3

Vicki M.

Of all of them, you say? Does that mean Zofie might eventually make an appearance here? :O


Where are you moving to/from? You're in hurricane zone of death?


Stay safe during the storm!

Heretic Morgan

I saw the notification that said Vikna's Quarters, and I thought it was gonna be a shot of her room aboard the ship.


I approve of this venture. Crotch POV shots of everyone! This is also a good opportunity to maybe re-evaluate how you do each female character's vulva, maybe slightly alter some of them to differentiate them. Even if you try to make them look different normally, this is a great chance to essentially have a direct reference of everyone's fun bits and ensure they have some variety. :D


........ I just ... really wanna poke her .. right in the center..