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Votes are closed for the month; looks like Ms Brisby is up, after about 2 years on the roster! I personally love this character and movie; as always I'd love to hear any ideas from you guys over the pinup.

If you forgot to vote, vote here and It'll be added to the roster before next month's start.




Pretty sure I didn't vote, so all mine for Kesis


You know, I think I'll vote for Spyro this time...


2 for Blaze

Vicki M.

I totally forgot to vote, and though it's far too late to make a difference, my three for Zofie, yes?


I forgot to vote too. Mike and Katt please!

Shmi Skyrunner

Finally! The time of prophecy is upon us! I've waited a long time for this day.


Can you do Ms. Brisby trying to "calm down" one of the guard rats?


I was hoping that either Ahnassi, Kesis, or Felicia or even Ayn would have won, but I like Ms. Brisby too. I do hope you pick a tasteful nude pic of her Fluff!


My Childhood [Darth Vader Noooooo] OK, I'm OK with this now.


I'd love to see something more demure and sensual. Mrs. Brisby is a nice lady, so lewder or 'pornier' poses/themes probably lean too much into shameless exploitation. My favorite pinups from you are the ones that best maintain the personality of the character, so this would be a good one for softer themes. It could still show everything off, but framing it more like she's shyly inviting the viewer to join her or awkwardly trying a sexy pose for them would be a good angle to take. Maybe sitting sort of sideways in a chair so her butt is turned toward the viewer while she leans on her arms on the back of the chair? Or nervously exposing herself from under her cape? Something along those lines to keep her personality while making her sexy would be excellent. I'll look forward to your idea sketches regardless. c:


We're not gonna see Felicia for a long time =(


Yeah I agree on the point that the picture should be somewhat tasteful and teasing.those are good ideas! Thanks :D


I'm kind of surprised honestly, she's such a popular character, I expected more votes for her on a normal basis. I might pick a request steam idea for her sometime soon if it ends up being the case.


Unfortunately I work a lot and am gone when you stream, I won't be there to ask you. I totally wanna have you draw my charcters Tanya and Din (commission of course) as well X3


2 for Opera~