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Hello, everyone!
I am excited to announce a new early release - Version 0.3.0.
This update brings built-in popup dictionaries and the ability to install dictionary extensions originally designed for web browsers. You can now conveniently look up words without relying on external applications.

Currently, not all dictionary extensions are compatible. So far, I've tested 10Ten also known as Rikaichamp, which worked quite well, and Yomichan, which unfortunately didn't work.

For now, the installation of extensions must be done manually. To simplify things, 10Ten will be included as a pre-installed option.

There's room for improvement regarding mouse interaction with the popup, as it still requires disabling the overlay "Click-through."

Download Yomi Ninja v0.3.0

YomiNinja Experimental Popup Dictionary

I've also been working on a popup dictionary specifically designed for YomiNinja.

Thanks to the JmdictFurigana project, the popup will display furigana with good precision. JmdictFurigana attaches kana portions to the right kanji characters in individual dictionary words.

It's a basic implementation currently in an experimental stage of development. Please be aware that it may have bugs, limited functionality, or unexpected behavior. I strongly recommend using it only for testing and providing feedback.

Let me know if you find this experimental popup valuable, so I can determine whether it's worth further development.

Your feedback is valuable as we continue to improve YomiNinja. Thank you!

Download Yomi Ninja v0.3.0


Carlos Alberto Balseiro Mayi

Nice piece of software you have done! I suppose Linux version is not expected anytime soon, right? Not a Windows user myself.


Thank you! I'm working on the linux version, and I plan to release it for early access this month.

Yury Katkov

finally got windows machine and tried it! Works really well!