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As in the picture above, there are three new perks that connect the final perks of two different trees together. These perks - MILF Domination, Potent Cum & Cum Addiction will cost zero skillpoints but will only be unlockable after completing the respective trees.

MILF Domination connects the Dominance and MILF trees - I've already spoken about this but this will essentially just apply all the dominance perks to MILFs as well (but note that Corruption will only work on a few select characters, milfs or not)

Potent Cum connects the Creampie and MILF trees. Potent Cum makes your creampies more likely to result in pregnancy. If breeding is not a kink then I'd recommend just not unlocking this at all, but the perk will do the following:

  • Increases pregnancy chances will all side characters

  • Unlocks pregnancy will women aged 40-50 (who are otherwise considered infertile without this perk) (You'll notice one main character is 40, there will be a couple of side character also in this range)

Cum Addiction connects the Facials & Swallowing trees. This free extension perk does the following: "Girls who have already given you oral are affected by Cum Addiction. Affected girls ignore any requirements or loyalties for blowjob scenes." Essentially meaning that any girl who has already given you a bj will never refuse in future - ignoring Love and Lust requirements and ignoring anything else - e.g. if they're a side character with a boyfriend.

Some more words on breeding/pregnancy in the game:

The main, very large restraint I have around pregnancy from a logistical standpoint is that a main character cannot get pregnant very early on in the game because then after ~4 months (in Elmwood time) then every single frame and animation of that character would need two frames - an image where they're pregnant and an image where they're not. Then consider if there was an image of Chelsea and Lydia together and you had the option to knock up both 5 months ago in Elmwood time, then that single frame would actually need a frame of them both not pregnant, a frame of both pregnant, a frame of Chelsea pregnant and a frame of Lydia pregnant, so 4 instead of 1. And when there are three or more girls on screen the issue gets even bigger ofc. So logistically it's just not really possible for a main character to have pregnancy options super early in a visual novel and I'm sure you've noticed this in other games where pregnancy usually happens near the end.

So given this big logistical issue, what can I still do? Well firstly, as women don't show pregnancy in the first couple of months, this essentially gives us total freedom for the final chapters of the game. Elmwood is going to be split into three university terms and so in this final third of the game we won't have any of the limitations with main characters and so this is where most of the pregnancy options for MAIN characters will be. And if we have 21 episodes as I've currently planned then this will be referring to those final 7 episodes.

Side characters are a wonderful exception to this issue however. Because for any given side character we won't see them nearly as much, it's very feasible for me to make a pregnancy and non pregnancy frame of each. So for side characters there will be pregnancy options from as early as probably Ep 4. And for these characters if you do get them pregnant then later in the game if you see them again you will see them visibly pregnant.

So as a TLDR: Main characters will have pregnancy options in the final 33% of the game, side characters will have pregnancy options throughout.



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