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Coming in E2, the three dominance perks are Daddy (cost 10), Corruption (30) & Ownership (50) (but I might tweak the costs before release). The picture above is the new dominance options screen that will appears on the player's screen when you unlock these perks. Daddy unlocks the dominant name and the first yes/no option & Ownership unlocks the lower three settings. Corruption doesn't have any input options here but will unlock some scenes/paths with a few select characters.

For the games code, the player's name will no longer be a stored variable. Rather it will be a function that checks for whether you're currently in a sex scene & checks any settings on the dominance screen to then decide whether to call you by your actual name or your kinky/dominance name. I've put three dominant names as default options but you can also enter any name as a custom option. So you could even have girls say 'Yes, Chef' during sex if you want to meme around.

I don't want to reveal which main characters Corruption will affect as that's a spoiler but it will affect around 3 main characters (in my current plan) and around 3-4 side characters. Lastly if you look at the picture of the new perk tree I uploaded last week you'll see that there's an extension perk connecting the dominance tree to the milf tree. This perk, MILF Domination, is available FOR FREE when you have completed BOTH the dominance and milf trees. And once unlocked this perk applies all the dominance perks to milfs as well.



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