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Lynne listened intently as Bayi detailed his experience on the peculiar website. It was a page without a domain name or address, entirely in black, creating an unsettling feeling for the viewer. The only interactive feature was a clickable option that led to a photograph appearing on the screen.

The photograph seemed to capture a page from a book, but the material looked more like some creature's skin rather than paper. The page was covered with dense, indecipherable text.

Lynne asked hesitantly, "You mean you used your phone to take a picture of that webpage?"

Bayi, scratching his head and trying to remember, frowned and said, "It seems so. I wasn't quite myself at the time... I can't pinpoint exactly what was off, maybe I was just too tired, or... it was all just so hazy..."

He paused, then added, "I think... I typed in my name there."

At this revelation, Lynne's demeanor became even more serious. He immediately opened the door and led Bayi into the workroom, powering on the repaired phone.

"Let's have a look!"

If Bayi's encounter was indeed the cause of his being pulled into this world, perhaps they could find a way to return him to his own world. Lynne was already convinced that Bayi had experienced a supernatural event.

The broken screen of the phone slowly lit up, and Bayi watched anxiously as it booted up. He quickly opened the photo gallery, but as soon as he did, Lynne saw a series of explicit images, with Bayi prominently featured. There were even a few photos of Bayi wearing what appeared to be his girlfriend's clothes, striking provocative poses.

"Whoa!!!" Bayi's eyes widened in shock. "Wait a minute! That's private! Let me find it first! Don't look, Brother!"

Lynne glanced at him and commented, "You seem to have a lot of fun. Is this cosplay or some kind of role reversal?"

Bayi's face turned as red as a boiling teakettle. He rapidly flipped through the album, heart pounding, and soon found the photo he was looking for.

"Brother, this is it!"

Lynne looked at the screen and saw the photo Bayi had taken, along with the dense text on the page. He squinted his eyes.

He didn't recognize the characters, but for some reason, just a glance at them induced a strong sense of discomfort. It was as if something was pulling his gaze, drawing him deeper into it.

Lynne quickly refocused his mind. He carefully reviewed the image and then noticed a few typed characters at the bottom of the contract.


Could this be the key to Bayi's fall into this world?

Lynne scrutinized the photo, searching for details. Suddenly, he sharply noticed Bayi's reflection in the computer screen captured in the photo, but that wasn't the crucial part.

Lynne quickly saw that behind Bayi's reflection, there seemed to be a shadowy figure.

"Who's behind you?" Lynne asked seriously.

Prompted by Lynne, Bayi also noticed the shadow in the reflection. He shuddered, feeling a chill rising within him. "I... I don't know..." Bayi stammered, "I was very dazed at the time... I didn't feel anything behind me, and after I left the internet cafe, I... I think I forgot about it..."

Lynne fell into deep thought. If this was related to Bayi's entrance into this world, could the text in the photo also originate from the Dark World? He looked up, calmly saying, "I'll ask my master. Maybe we can get some answers!"


In Bloodsaw's bedroom.

Bloodsaw, wearing reading glasses, looked seriously at the content displayed on the device Lynne handed him. "Lynne, how did you come by this? Where did you get it?"

Lynne, sitting cross-legged on a chair, explained, "This is from a human friend who fell into this world. I feel it's connected to his arrival here. Do you recognize the text?"

After examining the image, Bloodsaw took off his glasses and said gravely, "I've seen similar inscriptions in some ancient texts. It seems like a curse script from an old clan in the Dark World. Let me check."

He stood up and retrieved a thick tome from his underground library. He carefully compared the text, then read aloud, "I shall serve the dominion of blood and flesh, follow the call of the ancient gods, and sacrifice my flesh and blood to the grace of my god. I will abide by the codex, fall into the everlasting night, and offer myself, awaiting the call of my god and responding. Signatory: xx."

Bloodsaw looked at Lynne, raising an eyebrow, "This is a sacrificial contract to a dark deity. Your friend didn't sign something like this, did he?"

Lynne nodded, "He did, but he wasn't aware of its content."

Bloodsaw closed his eyes, handing back the phone, "Then it's typical. Many Kings and Origin-level entities in this world fancy themselves as dark deities, spreading calamity across various worlds to fulfill their evil purposes.

It seems your friend's world has been targeted by one of these 'dark deities.' Signing such a contract means establishing a connection with the deity. The signatory is bound to be summoned to the deity's world. But it looks like there was some unexpected turn of events while your friend was being pulled into this world."

Bloodsaw looked intently at Lynne, seeing through his thoughts. Lynne pondered, "Does this mean he can't go back?"

"No," Bloodsaw provided a surprising answer, looking up, "He might return soon."

Startled, Lynne asked in disbelief, "What do you mean, sir?"

Bloodsaw shook his head, explaining, "Essentially, it's still a summoning contract, similar to how other worlds in the Vision World use special rituals to request the descent of a being from the Dark World.

They arrive in this world only temporarily, for a few hours to a few days, but never more than a month, unless they die. Once the time is up, they are immediately sent back to their original plane. This is also the most efficient and economical way for the dark deities of this world to bring beings from other worlds here since they won't let them live long."

Astonished, Lynne said, "So, my fellow villager can still go back?"

Bloodsaw replied solemnly, "There's a high probability. If nothing unusual happens, he's essentially a summoned being now. As long as he doesn't die, his return is just a matter of time."


Lynne left his teacher's room with a furrowed brow. He looked solemnly at Bayi, who was anxiously waiting in the hall.

Seeing Lynne return, Bayi hurriedly approached, "Brother! What did you find? Do you know what's written there?"

Lynne exhaled, a bitter smile appearing on his face. He extended his hand towards Bayi.

"Congratulations, Bayi. You are luckier than all the beings who have fallen into this world."

Bayi was taken aback, his mouth agape, not understanding what Lynne meant.

Lynne adjusted his monocle, smiling, "I mean, you should be able to return to your own world in the next few days."

Upon hearing this news, Bayi's mind went blank, soon followed by unimaginable shock and overwhelming joy. He grabbed Lynne's shoulders, trembling with excitement, "Brother! Is what you're saying true? Do I really have a chance...?"

Lynne smiled, "Most likely."

In an instant, Bayi was nearly jumping with elation, his breathing rapid, hardly able to process this sudden, immense happiness. He paced back and forth, trying to absorb the exhilaration.

Then, he suddenly paused, his gaze fixating on Lynne's smiling expression. A realization struck him, and he exclaimed in shock, "What about you, Brother? Can't you come back with me?"

His breath quickened, "Even though it seems we're from two parallel Earths, surely they must be better than this Dark World! Brother, we..."

Lynne raised his hand, signaling him to stop, and shook his head, "I can't go."

Bayi looked stunned.

Lynne explained with a gentle smile, "Because you signed a summoning contract, you were lured into this world by some entity. Although there might have been some accident preventing you from being pulled into that dark deity's domain, when the summoning time is up, you'll be sent back. But it's different for me. I still don't even understand how I entered this place. I simply can't follow you back."

Bayi stood speechless, his mind blank. So, it was a one-way ticket for one person only? But leaving Lynne behind while he himself returned... that seemed unbearable.

Even though they had known each other for just one night, and despite Lynne being quite terrifying, finding a kind 'fellow villager' in such a horrific world was more than he could have asked for. Without Lynne's help, he likely would have been dead by now.

He paced back and forth, his initial joy quickly fading.

Summoned... He was summoned here because of that contract... Then...

Suddenly, an idea struck Bayi like a revelation. He excitedly grabbed Lynne's shoulder, "Brother! I have an idea. You said I was summoned to this world by some entity. Is there a possibility... That in my world, I could summon you there?!"

In this critical moment, Bayi's mind worked exceptionally fast, revealing a creative and sharp intellect.

Lynne, momentarily taken aback by Bayi's suggestion, raised his eyebrows and said, "I'm not entirely sure. I've never encountered anything like this before. But indeed, many worlds have certain cults that enjoy conducting rituals to summon creatures from other realms..."

Bayi, brimming with excitement, interjected, "Then that settles it, doesn't it?! Brother! We should at least try! If it fails, we lose nothing, but if it succeeds, you can come to my world and reminisce about home!"

Seeing Bayi's immense enthusiasm, Lynne's mind also started to entertain the possibility.

Indeed, if this method could work. Even if it wasn't his actual home, he could be summoned to see that similar world. And if it truly was a parallel world... Perhaps in Bayi's world, there existed another version of himself, and his... Parents.

Lynne looked earnestly at Bayi and declared, "It's worth a try!"


Minutes later, Lynne quickly led Bayi to his teacher's underground library, searching with a serious expression. His teacher was a true scholar, with a vast and diverse collection of knowledge.

In his library, one could always find a multitude of odd and intriguing books. There had to be books on summoning rituals. After a thorough search, Lynne eventually found a thick, deeply hidden tome in a corner.

"Found it!" Lynne squinted as he opened the book. "Complete Guide to Summoning Cat Girls from Other Worlds"


He closed the book with a frown and continued searching. Finally, he pulled out another dust-covered book from a corner.

"Contracts: Rituals for Summoning Dark World's Dark Deities"

Lynne remained calm, quickly browsing through the book. It detailed numerous methods and rituals for summoning malevolent entities, including flesh sacrifices, soul offerings, and evil spirit prayers, all of which were highly taboo knowledge.

"Brother, did you find a way?" Bayi asked eagerly.

Adjusting his monocle, Lynne calmly said, "I've found something. However, to summon a specific creature, it requires a lot of materials and offerings, as well as a dark environment. The stronger the target, the more resources are needed..."

He quickly transcribed the method and ritual circle in Chinese.

Turning to Bayi, he said seriously, "I'll consult with my teacher. He knows much more than I do. With his help, there's a good chance we can succeed!"

Bayi nodded enthusiastically, ready to follow Lynne, but at that moment...


A sound, like a snapped string, seemed to resonate in his mind. Bayi suddenly felt an indescribable sense of being pulled away. He looked at his hands in astonishment and said, "Brother... I think... there might not be enough time..."

Lynne immediately turned around and saw Bayi's body starting to become translucent.

Could it be that the contract's summoning duration was expiring?

Indeed! He had been in this world for at least three days, which for a summoning contract, was already a considerable length of time.

As Bayi's form grew more ghostly, Lynne acted without hesitation.


He tore out the page he had just transcribed in his notebook about the specific creature summoning ritual and placed it in his pocket.

With a serious expression, he grasped Bayi's shoulder, "Remember! Try using the method described there once you're back. Remember my name! I'm Lynne! This is the Dark World! And one more thing!"

A sudden realization struck him, and he recalled an important detail from the book. Without any hesitation, he drew his Nightfiend Blade and swiftly cut off his little finger. Blood splattered.

Bayi, wide-eyed with shock, exclaimed, "Brother! What are you doing?!"

Lynne, with a serious demeanor, tucked the severed finger into Bayi's pocket and explained, "This is a part of me, my flesh and blood. If the summoning ritual works, this can act as a beacon to locate me more easily. It might increase the chances of successfully summoning me to your world!"

"Also!" Lynne paced quickly, then grabbed paper and pen from the table and wrote a letter with a grave expression. Folding it swiftly, he handed it to Bayi, saying, "I'm not sure if your world is a parallel universe, but if it is, remember the address in this letter and mail it there! Did you get that?!"

Lynne clenched his teeth tightly.

Bayi, still in a daze, was becoming more translucent. Finally, he nodded vigorously, his expression earnest.

Lynne let out a sigh of relief, shaking his head, "Good..."

As Bayi's form faded away, in the last moment before he disappeared completely, he suddenly remembered something and shouted in alarm to Lynne, "Brother! Oh right! You were going to install stainless steel..."


With a mysterious vibration, Bayi vanished, presumably sent back to his own world.

Lynne took a deep breath and sat down on a chair, feeling somewhat drained. He controlled his Flesh Catastrophe ability to slowly heal his severed little finger.

It was a bit distressing. He had thought he finally found a fellow villager in this strange world. But who would have thought that after less than a day of acquaintance, he would be left alone again? He wasn't sure if Bayi would be able to learn and perform the summoning ritual. Most likely not. That's why he had written that letter.

Lynne looked up. If it truly was a parallel universe, maybe in that world, he had parents, another version of himself, a family of their own. No other intention, just a way to express his longing.

Even if the letter was discarded as the ramblings of a madman, it didn't matter. Because...

Lynne stood up, a small smile on his face, flicking away a tear from the corner of his eye. He picked up his Nightfiend Blade and walked out with determined steps.

It was, at least, a form of solace.


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